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Prayer tree leaves: England and Wales

The Bible is a global bestseller, but for many people in England and Wales, the book remains a mystery. We're bringing the Bible to life in education, media, politics and the arts. Join us in prayer for this work by adding your prayer leaf.

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Lord I pray for Tereasa May as she leads the country I pray you will guide her heart and give her wisdom in how you want your nation to be led amen.


7 years ago

Pray for the people of Palestine and Israel for peace and that the President of the United States will learn that he doesn’t own the world!!


7 years ago

Heavenly Father,
May you gift our politicians with wisdom and discernment in north/south policies to encourage economic growth in areas where poverty and unemployment are high. Amen

Rosie, from Worksop

7 years ago

Father God when political leaders are under such scrutiny we pray that those who are Christians will shine even brighter in this country of England. We pray that through their words and deeds your name will indeed be glorified. Amen

Anonymous, from Manchester

7 years ago

Father I pray for your wisdom for all our government, that they might listen to you, be guided by you and carry out your will for our country. May they bring comfort and support to all our citizens.


7 years ago

Dear Lord,
I lift Ellie Reeve our local MAP to you. Give her wisdom and grace in her decision making and your holy spirit as she represents us in parliament. May she stand up for your truth and righteousness. Amen.

Claire, from London

7 years ago

Father God we thank you for our elected politicians. We pray that they do justly, love mercy and walk humbly before you. We pray that they are not wise in their own eyes but put their trust in you.

Dohdee , from London

7 years ago

Father, I lift to you our countries leaders, especially all those engaged with Brexit. I ask that you would bless them with wisdom, discernment and peace in their good decisions. Amen

Jac, from Birmingham

7 years ago

Prayers for Simon Spencer, for health and a close family life as he recovers from his heart attack yet continues his passion to serve our county.

Carollyn, from Ashbourne

7 years ago

Lord God, I pray for all politicians, both national and local. May they govern wisely, may they remember the value of all members of our society and communities. Soften their hearts for the vulnerable, bless the work of their hands.

Helen, from Huddersfield

7 years ago

Lord, I pray for all of the leaders of this nation that with all the power they are given they would use it for the good of all not just themselves. Amen.


7 years ago

I pray for Theresa May at this time of uncertainty. May You guide her through Brexit and help her to lead Britain well with confidence and faith. I pray you will give her Your peace and love. Amen.

Sarah, from Bath

7 years ago

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