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Prayer tree leaves: England and Wales

The Bible is a global bestseller, but for many people in England and Wales, the book remains a mystery. We're bringing the Bible to life in education, media, politics and the arts. Join us in prayer for this work by adding your prayer leaf.

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Father, thank you that our Queen and our PM look to you as Lord and Saviour. Please give them quiet time to spend with You seeking Your will for our people; may they influence others for good. In Jesus’name

Lindsay, from Bath

7 years ago

Thank you for those who lead us. May you anoint them with Godly wisdom in their roles. Help us to bless and submit to those in authority who lead us regardless of political opinions.

Tracey, from Glossop

7 years ago

Lord please bless all in authority : in our church, at work, in local government, in national government. Grant to PAPPGJTDBWJSSJLRD great wisdom in their responsibilities and joy in the knowledge of your empowering presence.

Christine, from Conwy

7 years ago

Lord I lift Teresa May to you and ask that you give her great wisdom. I pray that she will seek you in all she does and you would bless her life.

Paula, from Somerset

7 years ago

Dear God
I pray for Donald Trump to lead his people in the right path - to teach peace and not conflict. To use his power to bring the world
Together as one world under God

Debra Arrigall-Watkins, from Wales

7 years ago

Dear Lord, I pray for our leaders, that You are guiding and working in their hearts, even when we complain about what they do. Thank you they have taken the burden of leading the country. May we appreciate their work.

Alice, from Cornwall

7 years ago

I pray that the leaders of the U.K. and Europe will make the right decisions in the Brexit talks and that those in desperate need will not be forgotten.


7 years ago

Dear Lord, I pray for Michael and Verity. I ask that you guide their steps and prepare their hearts. Fill them with strength and joy as they bless in and through you. In your name Lord Jesus I pray. Amen

Kelly, from Bury

7 years ago

Dear Lord, I pray for all those in authority who lead us that they will make the right decisions. I pray that they will listen to the people they lead, their hearts and to you. Amen.


7 years ago

Father, give those who are negotiating our release from the Europe the strength and wisdom they need.


7 years ago

May all who seek political office know the deep love of the one who created them - and seek to live out that love in the policies they promote.

Martin, from Exeter

7 years ago

Loving Father I pray that all elected politicians keep in their hearts and minds that they are there to represent those who elected them and not to further themselves. I pray for positive action for the poor & needy.


7 years ago

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