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Prayer tree leaves: England and Wales

The Bible is a global bestseller, but for many people in England and Wales, the book remains a mystery. We're bringing the Bible to life in education, media, politics and the arts. Join us in prayer for this work by adding your prayer leaf.

Latest prayer leaves

I pray that all those in government will hear the voice of God and work together for the wellbeing of the poor and make every one welcome in our country.

Sandra Turner , from Dorset

7 years ago

In these times of uncertainty, please give our leaders wisdom to pause, think and consider. Inspire them with Christian values and principles and help them to use them in their lives. Give them peace this Christmas

Jan, from Lakes

7 years ago

I pray that my mp will have the wisdom and strength to do the right thing for the people in his constituency. Amen

Diane, from Flintshire

7 years ago

Lord God, please guide our politicians in their decisions, ensuring they use the right language to promote peace around the world and especially the Middle East, and avoid causing division and anger. In Jesus precious name, amen.

William, from Darvel

7 years ago

Lord, I pray for those in government that can really make a change to those in need. May you shine compassion in their hearts so we may all live in a fairer world.

Steph, from Chippenham

7 years ago

Dear Father,
Please help the leaders of our country in their decisions and let them be led by your love and wisdom. Amen


7 years ago

Lord, help us to remember and trust that you are in charge of all things and all people and that in everything it is working for your gory. Amen


7 years ago

Father I pray for Holy Spirit to lead and guide those who lead and guide this country... Give them true wisdom, that they may lead us down the right paths... I pray you protect them physically and spiritually too Lord


7 years ago

I pray for wisdom for leaders to enable them to make the best decisions for the people. Amen.

Hazel, from Bedfordshire

7 years ago

Father God please raise up Christians in places of power and influence throughout the world so that Your will might be done and Your love prevail everywhere. Amen


7 years ago

I pray for everyone who is in Government or leadership. I pray you all feel the love of God in your heart and homes this Christmas. I pray that you have a good heart and make caring decisions. Thank you.

Toni Wright , from Wellingborough

7 years ago

Father, help our leaders put the needs of asylum seekers and refugees, especially lone children, first. Help them to focus on what is right and good rather than the interests of the rich and powerful. Amen.

Mary A'Herne-Smith, from Thrussington

7 years ago

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