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Prayer tree leaves: England and Wales

The Bible is a global bestseller, but for many people in England and Wales, the book remains a mystery. We're bringing the Bible to life in education, media, politics and the arts. Join us in prayer for this work by adding your prayer leaf.

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Lord God, we pray that you would bless and guide our local MP, Liz Twist, as she serves our community. Thank you for her open door, friendly staff and their concern for the poor.

Fiona, from Blaydon

7 years ago

Heavenly Father we pray that you will guide all leaders and politicians of the world that they will respect others, seek the common good and make decisions that improve the lives of others, in Your Son's name we pray. Amen

Carolynne Adam, from Wellingborough

7 years ago

There are so many people who are unsafe and unsure of what nasty thing will happen to them next. Please guide the leaders of troubled lands and the people who seek to influence those leaders to be wise and caring.

Karen, from Croxley Green

7 years ago

Almighty God we pray for those who govern us in whatever capacity, that will have your wisdom, compassion, love and understanding. Being motivated by your desires not their own. Pray for our nation that Jesus will be glorified.

Graham, from Norfolk

7 years ago

Dear Lord I ask you to bless all those in our Government. May they hear your voice to lead our nation with wisdom and integrity. Amen


7 years ago

Dear God, help our government to do what is right for the people of the world as well as this country. Through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen

Sue, from East Yorkshire

7 years ago

Father please give our politicians wisdom, integrity and the courage to make decisions that benefit the many in our country, rather than the few. Pray that they will turn to you to guide them in their tasks.


7 years ago

Please guide all world leaders in these troubled uncertain times we are living in and help them make the right decisions to lead us all safely into the future.

Catherine, from London

7 years ago

Lord, in your anger remember mercy, and turn the hearts of politicians and people back to you. Revive us, oh Lord.


7 years ago

Father, in this time of uncertainty and confusion, support those who lead us and give them your wisdom. Bring peace to their souls, Lord, and joy to their hearts. Amen

Kathy, from Sussex

7 years ago

Loving God, please open the eyes and ears of our world leaders to see and hear the problems of the poorest in our society and give them hearts to help change this world. Amen

Debbie Peck , from Mid Wales

7 years ago

Heavenly Father, I want to thank you for the leaders in my life, at church, in the workplace, in both my country of birth & residency. May they be filled with wisdom and call on your grace & guidance. Amen

Denise, from Luton

7 years ago

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