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Prayer tree leaves: England and Wales

The Bible is a global bestseller, but for many people in England and Wales, the book remains a mystery. We're bringing the Bible to life in education, media, politics and the arts. Join us in prayer for this work by adding your prayer leaf.

Latest prayer leaves

Dear lord please help our prime minister at the difficult time that she makes the right decision for our country. Please guide her and protect her amen


7 years ago

Lord Jesus, I pray for our MP Conor McGinn, and our local council. May their actions be governed by love and a desire for justice for all. May the poor and needy never be forgotten. Amen


7 years ago

Father, please be with all those making decisions which affect others. Help them to be guided by you and not their own agendas. Help them to make decisions which benefit the many and not the few. Amen


7 years ago

Heavenly Father,please would you shine a clear,heavenly guiding light for all politicians and leaders to follow, so their decisions will be according to Your will, and that Your Kingdom may grow on earth. Thank You.


7 years ago

Lord, I lift Theresa May and the government to you and cry to you for wisdom for them. I pray for Julie Cooper my MP and ask that you would do a mighty work in her by your Spirit.


7 years ago

Lord, when we appear to be walking in the wilderness, guide all those who lead us that they will seek your power and not their own that thy will be done


7 years ago

Loving Father I pray for the leaders of our country. Make them wise in the decisions which affect our lives. Lord I pray that they will turn to You so that they may bring Christian values to our country. Amen


7 years ago

Dear Lord, please be with the American government. Guide them in their thoughts and actions, and help them to repair the divisions amongst the American people.

Katherine, from London

7 years ago

Loving God, I thank you for the hard work of all our politicians to steer our nation in these difficult times. Grant them your widsom and strength, help them to be humble and without self-interest. In Jesus' name.

Camilla, from Kent

7 years ago

For Steven Timms to continue with the fabulous work he does for the local people in peace x

Anonymous, from East Ham, London

7 years ago

Father I pray for those trying to lead this nation through a time of uncertainty and change. Walk alongside them and remind them always to look to you in making decisions. Amen.


7 years ago

Father God, please bless and look after our Prime Minister Theresa May. I may not have voted for her, nor for us to leave the EU but I think she’s trying to do her best to do a difficult job!

Tracey, from Martock, Somerset

7 years ago

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