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Prayer tree leaves: England and Wales

The Bible is a global bestseller, but for many people in England and Wales, the book remains a mystery. We're bringing the Bible to life in education, media, politics and the arts. Join us in prayer for this work by adding your prayer leaf.

Latest prayer leaves

Dear lord, please help our government during the brexit discussions to listen and react wisely when making decisions that will effect all those people who call the United Kingdom their home. Help them to listen and show respect. Amen

Nichola, from Yeovil

7 years ago

Lord, I pray for your wisdom and strength for Theresa May in all she has to do. May she turn and look to you, and let you guide her thinking. Work out your purposes in and through her.


7 years ago

Pray that leaders remain true to what they know is right for the good of everyone


7 years ago

Praying for all politicians as they lead our country- for wisdom, understanding and compassion.


7 years ago

Thank you God for our Queen, her kindness and her strength. Please take care of her and help her to make good decisions. Please help those in power - particularly our MPs and PM, to use their power fairly. Amen.


7 years ago

Lord Jesus, I pray for Liam fox in North Somerset. May he be transformed by your holy spirit and lead us as you would have him lead us lord. Lord have mercy on us. Amen


7 years ago

I pray for God's wisdom for our leaders during great political and social change.

Ellir, from London

7 years ago

Oh Lord. Please look after Theresa May at this difficult time. Help her negotiations with the other politicians secure all our futures.

Katie M

7 years ago

Dear God, this is a prayer for Theresa May, that she can find the strength to resolve the differences in the Brexit negotiations and remain firm for the United Kingdom. I hope she remains in good health. Amen

Linda, from Europe

7 years ago

Lord I pray for my local MP Norman Lamb. I thank you for his commitment to his constituents and pray that you will encourage and inspire him to maintain integrity in all his work.


7 years ago

During a season of change in my Church I pray for wisdom for our leaders.


7 years ago

Father give wisdom to those who lead this nation. May they stand up for what is right. May they seek you in the decision they have to make and may our nation turn to you. Amen

Sue, from Manchester

7 years ago

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