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Prayer tree leaves: England and Wales

The Bible is a global bestseller, but for many people in England and Wales, the book remains a mystery. We're bringing the Bible to life in education, media, politics and the arts. Join us in prayer for this work by adding your prayer leaf.

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Loving and gracious Lord Jesus, I pray for your loving wisdom to be placed upon all leaders of our councils and our country, especially Jeremy Hunt so that the NHS may be saved for All people. Amen.

Karen, from Benfleet

7 years ago

Dear Lord, please hold our leaders steadfast in the right way and help them do the best for their community.

Anonymous, from Oxford

7 years ago

Thank you for those you have placed in authority over us. I pray that you would bless them and give them wisdom and discernment as they lead. May they look to you as their source of strength and courage

Caroline, from Bedford

7 years ago

Lord Jesus, your word reads "God opposes the proud but gives grace to the humble" may members of all our governments lead us with that attitude of service with humility and through our prayers find You.

Roger, from Beds

7 years ago

Dear Lord
Please give all leaders of our country wisdom, strength & compassion to ensure that they care and make the right humane decisions in these current unsettled times
God bless x


7 years ago

Father God. please be close to all of our leaders as they lead and guide this country. May they know your presence and hear your will for our country. amen.

pb, from Nottingham

7 years ago

Dear Lord, we pray for our leaders especially those involved in peacekeeping and diplomacy. Give them the right words and righteous hearts to move towards your Kingdom here on earth and let mercy prevail. In Jesus name. Amen


7 years ago

I pray for all who work in politics and especially for our Prime Minister. Please give her the desire to do the best for our country that she can do and to work for the good of all the people.

Suzanne, from Cambridge

7 years ago

Lord, please bless and guide the work of our politicians and all those who make decisions. May they have clear thought, regard for all parts of our society, and the energy to compete their tasks.

alison, from Cambridge

7 years ago

I commit to God all MPs, of whatever party,that they may be given good and Godly wisdom in all their dealings and decisions,and seek to maintain the Christian standards and welfare of this land.

Elizabeth Sadler, from Walton on the Naze

7 years ago

Lord, fill the hearts and minds of all our leaders with wisdom, kindness and generosity. May they feel the plight of our poor people and give them bread, jobs and hope. Amen.

Edit, from Nottingham

7 years ago

Dear God,
Please help our government to make the right choices that glorify you. Give them wisdom Lord, and don’t allow destruction to come from the decisions made in parliament.


7 years ago

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