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Prayer tree leaves: England and Wales

The Bible is a global bestseller, but for many people in England and Wales, the book remains a mystery. We're bringing the Bible to life in education, media, politics and the arts. Join us in prayer for this work by adding your prayer leaf.

Latest prayer leaves

Dear Lord,
Please guide all those in power and authority in making decisions that are not based on hatred, racism, or sexism so that we may move towards a more just and fair society. Amen


7 years ago

Dear Lord thank you for your everlasting love for us, you are slow to anger and full of mercy even though we constantly turn away from you. Please protect and guide our politicians and leaders, Amen


7 years ago

Dear Lord
Please guide all leaders and politicians in the world. Give them strength and guidance to promote peace in our world.


7 years ago

Dear Father,
Please come back to me. I was very sad when you said you were going out for a drink and then never came back.
I pray that the lord Jesus will make you return. I love you daddy.


7 years ago

Dear Father,
Thank you for the stories of Jesus.
Thank you for Mary Jones and her quest for the Bible.
Help us to listen to God's word.
Help us to know the possibilities of life through the Bible.

Yr 2 St Laurences Primary School, from Chorley

7 years ago

Dear Lord,
Please let people have some Bibles and help us to raise money to buy them.

Emmie, from Accington

7 years ago

Dear Lord,
Help me to get Bibles to give other children.

Poppy. H, from Accrington

7 years ago

Dear lord
Thank you for our Bibles to read.

Poppy, from Accrington

7 years ago

Dear Lord,
Please help me to be kind and giving my toys to children who don't have any. Please give them Bibles.

Ja ck, from Accrington

7 years ago

Dear Lord,
Help us to raise money for Bibles for children.

Sinead, from Accrington

7 years ago

Dear Lord,
Help me to be generous everyday.

Harrison, from Accrington

7 years ago

Dear Lord,
Thank you for your teachings through the Bible. Help us to work together to find ways to support and contribute to the Bible Society so that every child can have their own Bible.

Class 1, from Accrington

7 years ago

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