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Prayer tree leaves: England and Wales

The Bible is a global bestseller, but for many people in England and Wales, the book remains a mystery. We're bringing the Bible to life in education, media, politics and the arts. Join us in prayer for this work by adding your prayer leaf.

Latest prayer leaves

May we and all in education know and revel in the truth of Psalm 91.

Simon, from Bristol

7 years ago

Thank you Lord for our schools. May they be places where students and staff learn about your love for them. Please bless the Open the Book teams and the christian union groups. Amen.

Susan, from Wiltshire

7 years ago

O God, we pray for the land which was once so joyous in revival for the Gospel, to once again rise up in faith and recognise the Jesus of the Bible as the one to follow, Amen

Nigel, from Merton

7 years ago

May the presence of God draw the prodigal sons & daughters back to the family of God. Come out of darkness in Jesus' Name! Release your healing Word Lord over this nation. Let rivers of blessing flow through Wales.

Angy, from Bexhill-on-Sea, East sussex

7 years ago

Father please prepare the hearts of the people of the Wales and England to receive your word with joy! Send labourers in to gather the harvest. Revive us oh Lord! In Jesus name! Amen!

Karen, from Llanelli S Wales

7 years ago

Lord open the hearts and minds of many in N.Wales so that your Gospel message may spread among young people here.

Julian B, from Penmaenmawr North Wales

7 years ago

please pray for my family grown up in Jesus Christ shown way.

madhu sudhan. thadimalla, from Guntu Distrit, Andhra Pradesh State, South India

7 years ago

Am a single mother and I've just lost my own mum she's been called home on the 21st of June. This year my reaming family sister and brother they are not Christians and have disowned me because of my faith.

Isobel. Brookes, from Wigan

7 years ago

Dear Heavenly Father, grant us world peace. Fill our hearts with love and compassion. Make us follow your commandment of Love Thy Neighbor. Let there be less suffering. I ask this in your precious name Lord.


7 years ago

God,intervene our son marriage area . In all your ways acknowledge him, and he will make straight your paths. ~ Proverbs 3:6,help him.thanks to prayers.Glory be to God.Amen.


7 years ago

Dear Lord, we pray for this country: for courage and integrity for our leaders, openness to spiritual solutions to the nation’s problems, for national repentance and for restoration of our Christian spiritual vigour.
In Jesus' name,

elspeth, from somerset

7 years ago

Dear Father, it seems that this nation is under spiritual attack at this moment in history. Please move your church to pray against the powers of darkness that would cause disruption and disunity. Open our eyes to the threat.

Janet, from Oxford

7 years ago

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