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Prayer tree leaves: England and Wales

The Bible is a global bestseller, but for many people in England and Wales, the book remains a mystery. We're bringing the Bible to life in education, media, politics and the arts. Join us in prayer for this work by adding your prayer leaf.

Latest prayer leaves

Dear Heavenly Father,
Your kingdom - Come - in me, in us, where we are - Now - in the Name of Jesus our Lord and Saviour. Amen

Andrea, from Dorset

7 years ago

Pray that everone who comes to church on Sundays will open a Bible during the week and listen to what God is saying - to them.

Bryn, from West Country

7 years ago

Please lord Grant us strength, reassurance, love and faith and help us to uphold our duties. Bring light from darkness. Amen.

Kelly , from Bedfordshire

7 years ago

Lord , bless the bible society in bringing the bible in the heart of many many people, your word gives life , hope and love.

Frederick , from Norway

7 years ago

Father, we pray for continued community spirit as we have come together at this time of terror in our land. May you work in us as we work to serve you, and through us, we ask that you bring hope.

Rachel, from Derby

7 years ago

Loving God, Help us all affected by Mondays terror attack. Be with us and fill us with your love and peace, that we can share with others. Grant your wisdom to leaders as they work for peace. Amen


7 years ago

Dear Lord, Let your wisdom work through the minds and hearts of those who lead and govern us. May the fear of the Lord be upon them so that they our society may reflect Jesus style values. Amen

Beloved, from London area

7 years ago

Dear Lord, I pray for peace in the world. Help us all, in our daily lives, to share with others the love and care that you showed us that we might unite in that love together. Amen

Wendy, from Llannon, Aberystwyth

7 years ago

Please dear lord, please guide and protect our children from evil that has been shown this week.i pray they don't live their lives in fear. Forever my heavenly father Amen

Tracy, from Wellington, Somerset

7 years ago

Pray that God will give emotional strength and protection to our security and nursing services during this time of great tension. May they know God's peace and His loving understanding as they meet the needs of many.

Sandra , from Horsham

7 years ago

val has pain in left side by kidney and bowel, please pray and also for her general health to be good

val, from wales

7 years ago

victory in being treated for womb condition cysts fibroids . for womens health to be good

rebecca , from wales

7 years ago

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