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Prayer tree leaves: England and Wales

The Bible is a global bestseller, but for many people in England and Wales, the book remains a mystery. We're bringing the Bible to life in education, media, politics and the arts. Join us in prayer for this work by adding your prayer leaf.

Latest prayer leaves

Loving God, be with all the Open the Book teams starting a new school year, taking your word into primary schools. Touch those young lives, please Lord. Amen.

Kathryn , from Somerset

8 years ago

Father, thank you for all who work for the Bible society and spread your word. I pray that you would grow into faith the seeds planted , particularly , those in the children who received the Christmas and Easter storyboo

Elaine, from Felixstowe

8 years ago

prayer for all those who long for a Bible in their own language


8 years ago

Lord I pray for the Prime Minister and all those involved in setting out negotiations for the UK to leave the EU. Guide her in all she does and them as they work towards an amicable settlement with the EU

Moira, from Nottingham

8 years ago

Dear Lord, please bless the work of the Bible Society, and open the hearts of all those who hear your Word. In Jesus name. Amen

Veronica, from London

8 years ago

May Your Word be cherished and You be honored in these great countries.

Dorothy , from USA

8 years ago

Oh Lord, we pray that your Word will go into every school in the land and will bear fruit. In Jesus name Amen.

Carol, from Reading

8 years ago

May the Bible be preached clearly and with wisdom today.

CJR, from Suffolk

8 years ago

Dear Father, We thank you that your word, now printed and online in many languages, can touch and change the lives of many. Bless all who distribute and teach it, especially to the homeless and hopeless. In Jesus' name.

Sheila Brown, from Bristol

8 years ago

Thank you Father for the wonderful and exciting stories in the Bible. Most of all we thank you for sending Jesus to be our Saviour, who took our sin to the cross.

Beryl, from Reading

8 years ago

Dear Lord, bless the endeavours of all who seek to promote the reading of the Bible, in the schools, colleges and universities of our nation. May lives be changed through the impact of your Word. Amen

Tricia, from Swindon

8 years ago

Heavenly Father, we pray that all children in this land will have the opportunity to hear stories from the Bible and learn about how Jesus loves them and wants to save them for His Kingdom, and have their own Bible.


8 years ago

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