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Prayer tree leaves: England and Wales

The Bible is a global bestseller, but for many people in England and Wales, the book remains a mystery. We're bringing the Bible to life in education, media, politics and the arts. Join us in prayer for this work by adding your prayer leaf.

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Open the Book... Dear Heavenly Father, We pray and give thanks for:
* access to new schools
* more willing and talented volunteers
* thanks that back up and running
* thanks that children readily participate
* the seeds will germinate at the right time

Bethania, from Leeswood

2 years ago

Dear Lord, there seems to be such a tragic loss of life through accidents, suicide and murder. Please help people to care for, and respect one another, to lose urges for violence. To live in harmony with You. Amen.


2 years ago

Heavenly Father, with wisdom far greater than ours, please help the British Government demonstrate common sense, wisdom, and integrity. I know it may be a big request for help to find and elect the right people. In Jesus' name.

Kathryn, from Manchester

2 years ago

Righteous. Holy lord ipray that you will touch hardened hearts to your gospel. Of truth. Bring bibles to everyone. Who is in need. Of thy comfort. Save people from taking there own lives. In prison. Set. Us free amen

Alison Hills, from Righteous holy lord ipray. You. Wi

2 years ago

Holy Father, help people to understand about climate change and take positive action to help repair and to prevent further damage. Also, help them to understand our dependence on wildlife and insects. In your mercy and goodness hear my prayer.


2 years ago

Dear Lord, please help us to keep warm this coming winter. When you see oil companies making billions in profit, and say little about how much they will invest in renewal energy, please help them to be less selfish.

Kathryn, from Manchester

2 years ago

I pray for the people in Ukraine, I platt that they are safe and that they are not traumatised by this deadly war, I pray that Putin gets what he deserves and dies. Amen

Rohan Turner , from London

2 years ago

Dear Lord,
I pray for the United Kingdom. I pray for a godly Govt and a prime minister appointed by you. I pray for an awakening of Britain. I pray for men and women of God to arise in this nation.

Anonymous, from London

2 years ago

Dear Lord, I pray for the whole of England and its people. I don't understand why 'Russia' hates us so, please help Russia to have a change of heart and to know and show love and peace towards us.

Kathryn, from Manchester

2 years ago

Dear Lord, I pray for a government that doesn't lie, cheat or spend most of its time infighting. Help them to learn from you, and correct their ways of working and for them start caring about the people they represents.

Kathryn, from Manchester

2 years ago

We believe that you will work all things together for our good.


2 years ago

Dear Lord, I pray for stability to remain in our country, working together to make a better world, neighbourhood and friend.

Kathryn, from Manchester

2 years ago

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