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Prayer tree leaves: England and Wales

The Bible is a global bestseller, but for many people in England and Wales, the book remains a mystery. We're bringing the Bible to life in education, media, politics and the arts. Join us in prayer for this work by adding your prayer leaf.

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May our Queen Elizabeth and all the Royal Family be comforted through the power of Our Lord Jesus Christ. May Philip be encompassed by God's eternal light and love.

Alan , from Stratford-upon-Avon.

3 years ago

God of love surround our Queen and all her family with your compassion, support and care. may they all know the strength of the Risen Lord with them in their sadness and gratitude for Prince Philip.


3 years ago

Romans 8.38
.......neither death nor life .....can separate us from the love of God. Rest in His Eternal Arms of love Prince Philip, bless and comfort our dear Queen, her children and the whole family at this very sad time.

Sheila Batty, from Halifax,West Yorkshire

3 years ago

Most merciful Father, Lord of all compassion, thank you for the Royal family. Please bless them now with your grace and comfort in the difficult days ahead, especially our Queen. Amen

Julie Mann, from Dereham

3 years ago

Thank you for the life of Prince Philip and his loyalty to our Nation and his Queen always by her side in loyal obedience
Praying for the Queen for strength and comfort at this very sad time Amen

Helen, from HULL

3 years ago

Dear God, we thank you for the life of Prince Philip and his service to his country. May you provide comfort to his family at this sad time. In Jesus' name we pray.

Daniel Pratt, from Spain

3 years ago

Heavenly Father, I lift our Queen up to you following the sad death of Prince Philip. I pray that your loving guidance , comfort , healing & peace will be upon her & all the Royal Family .

Janet Lloyd, from Warrington

3 years ago

Lord, thank you for all the ways the Queen and Prince Philip have served. Thank you for Prince Philip and his work that had such impact. Please support our Queen, comfort and strengthen her. Amen.

Rachel Cole, from Hampshire

3 years ago

Lord Jesus, I lift up to you the Queen and the whole Royal Family as they mourn the loss of Prince Philip. Would you comfort them in their grief and make yourself known to them. Amen.

Jonathan Dawe, from Bedford, UK

3 years ago

God of all comfort 🙏may you comfort her Magesty Queen Elizabeth as she mourns the sad loss of her husband. Wrap your loving arms around all her family on the death of Prince Philip. Peace of God cover them.

Ina Crawford-Carty , from West Midlands, England

3 years ago

We pray,O Lord, that you will uphold the Queen and her family in their time of grief and that they may know your everlasting arms around them. Amen

Veronica, from Warwickshire

3 years ago

Thanks you Lord for the Queen's real faith and trust in you. Please comfort her and give her your strength and peace, and may those around her realise that you are her help and strength, and come to you also.

Kathy, from Northumberland

3 years ago

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