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Prayer tree leaves: England and Wales

The Bible is a global bestseller, but for many people in England and Wales, the book remains a mystery. We're bringing the Bible to life in education, media, politics and the arts. Join us in prayer for this work by adding your prayer leaf.

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O God,
the well-spring of life,
pour into our Queen and her families' hearts the living water of your grace,
that refreshed by you, they may live each day in steadfast reliance on the strength you give;
through our Saviour Jesus Christ. Amen.

C. Hatchard, from New Zealand

3 years ago

Everloving Father,
I thank you for the great example of christian service that Prince Philip adhered to throughout his life by the Queen's side, to his family, to our country and to the commonwealth. May his many initiatives live on, amen.

Irene Longstaff, from Milton Keynes

3 years ago

Dear Father, I pray that Her Majesty would know the comfort and strength of the Holy Spirit upholding her and know she isn't alone in
this trial.

Anonymous, from Islington

3 years ago

Thank you Lord for the righteous life of Prince Philip,like green leaves his memories will flourish in other's for evermore.God bless HM The Queen.

Mr Glenn Smith, from London UK

3 years ago

Thank you Lord for the Royal family in England. Comfort them at this time and heal every rift in the family in Jesus name.


3 years ago

Dear God. I pray that you give them comfort and strength in their time of grief.
In Jesus Name Amen

marcia Jones, from Wolverhampton

3 years ago

Thank you Lord for Prince Philip, his faith in you and his good example. We pray for the Queen and her family in their sorrow. Comfort them and all who grieve Prince Philip’s passing. Amen.

Rosie, from Dorset

3 years ago

Please God keep the royal family in your keeping at this sad time, God rest Prince Phillips soul in your care.
Thank you my lord God, Father, and Holy Spirit.

Susan, from gwynedd

3 years ago

For the thoughts for the Royal family and to those of whom Prince Phillip has helped withe Prince's trust and many others, we all admire and will really his wit and charm.


3 years ago

Lord have mercy on us sinners, remove the scales from our eyes soften our heart and draw us back to you we pray for revival, in Jesus precious name Amen

Kirsty, from Prenton

3 years ago

Father thank you for the life of Prince Philip and the support that he was to Her Majesty. Please Lord may she and her family know your close presence and comfort at this time, Amen

Veronica, from Winchester

3 years ago

Father God, thank you for the life of Prince Philip. Guide and support Her Majesty the Queen as she mourns his loss after so many years. May all the family know your love at this time of sorrow. Amen

Ruth, from Lancashire

3 years ago

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