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Prayer tree leaves: England and Wales

The Bible is a global bestseller, but for many people in England and Wales, the book remains a mystery. We're bringing the Bible to life in education, media, politics and the arts. Join us in prayer for this work by adding your prayer leaf.

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We pray your special comfort and Presence for our Queen, a faithful servant of Jesus. Thank you too dear Father God for the Duke of Edinburgh who has been such a rock for all his family and The country.

Iris, from Bath

3 years ago

I pray for the Queen and the royal family at this sad time. Lord bless them with your love and care


3 years ago

Abba, please comfort all who mourn the loss of a loved one at this time but we pray especially for our Queen and her family. Thank You Jesus for your sacrificial death which ensures eternal life in Your Presence

Beb, from Whitby

3 years ago

Dear Father God.
It's so good to learn Prince Philip had faith in you. May that same faith be what holds the Queen steady in the midst of her heartache and loss. Amen


3 years ago

Give thanks for the life of HRH Prince Philip- for all that he has contributed to our nation and to the world - But today prayers for the Queen and the family - May HRH rest in peace.

Elaine , from Hampshire Uk

3 years ago

I give thanks for the life and example of Prince Philip; for his life of service, especially his commitment to helping young people through the Duke of Edinburgh award scheme.
Lord, be with our Queen and all who mourn his passing.

Paul, from Peterborough

3 years ago

Almighty God please take into your loving care Prince Philip and help Queen Elizabeth cope with her loss. Thank you Lord.

Nick Jenkins , from Huntingdon

3 years ago

Precious Jesus may our Queen experience your comfort and peace, fill her to overflowing with your Holy Spirit and be her guide in her loss. Comfort the family and bring about a reconcilliation. In the name of Jesus. Amen.


3 years ago

I pray for prince Philip that he is in the hands of the Lord and I pray for his wife the Queen and their family at this time that the Lord God cover them with his Love

Ancell , from London

3 years ago

Dear Lord Be with her majesty and her family in their grief. I pray for the Dukes soul.

Glenys , from West Wales

3 years ago

Father God we lift our Queen, Charles, Anne, Andrew, Edward and all the family to you as they grieve the loss of Prince Philip wonderful husband, father and grandfather, Lord in your name please comfort and bless them Amen

Norma Elkington , from Thornton Cleveleys

3 years ago

Dear. Heavenly Father, may Your peace and comfort surround H M Queen Elizabeth and all her family at this very sad time. Two very upright Christian people have been torn apart by this event but the will be together again.

Alan Martin, from France

3 years ago

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