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Prayer tree leaves: England and Wales

The Bible is a global bestseller, but for many people in England and Wales, the book remains a mystery. We're bringing the Bible to life in education, media, politics and the arts. Join us in prayer for this work by adding your prayer leaf.

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May God comfort the Queen and all her family at this time of mourning.

leslie sinclair, from Northumberland.

3 years ago

Loving God, grant our royal family peace and comfort and strength for the future. I give thanks for Prince Philip's long, supportive service to our nation and to the Queen. God bless you all.

sue , from Bulkington

3 years ago

May father God comfort and bring peace to the Queen and Royal family on their dear Loss of Prince Phillip. Give them a sense of unity in this sad time. God bless the family may Prince Phillip RIP.


3 years ago

Lord, thank you for all that Prince Philip gave this country, especially to young people through the Duke of Edinburgh's Award. Thank you for his love and support to the Queen and his friendly interest in others. Amen

Elspeth Rymer, from Somerset

3 years ago

Thank you Lord for the example shown by Prince Philip in his dedication to serving our country. Thank you that he inspired
thousands of young people through the D of E scheme. Comfort our Queen and all the royal family.

Rosemary, from Milford on Sea

3 years ago

May you surround our Queen Elizabeth and her family may they all know your peace comfort at they mourn a wonderful husband to the Queen a loving Father, Grandfather and Great Grandfather God bless x

Pauline, from Essex

3 years ago

May her majesty the Queen and all the members of the royal family know the comfort of the Father’s Presence and His love at this difficult time. My prayers are with you.

Patricia House, from Suffolk

3 years ago

I join members of St. Luke's Church, Blue Ridge, Georgia, USA, in assuring Her Majesty the Queen and members of the Royal Family of our prayers. We give thanks for their witness to the Gospel and public service.

The Revd Victor H. Morgan, from St. Luke's Church, Blue Ridge, Georgia USA

3 years ago

Heavenly Father,
I thank you for the life of service of The Duke of Edinburgh.
Comfort His Queen and his family both here and abroad.
Rest easy Soldier your job is done

Jayne Sanders, from Belper Derbyshire

3 years ago

The Lord Gave and the Lord has taken away.
Heavenly Father may you comfort Our dear Queen and her gracious family in their mourning. May they find peace knowing you are beside them . Amen

Katrina Hopkins, from Thetford Norfolk GB

3 years ago

Dear Lord, thank you for this wonderful, strong, gentle man and their amazing example of family life.
It will seem strange not seeming Prince Phillip beside our Queen. The Lord's blessing on our Queen and all the Royal Family. God Bless.

Elizabeth, from Sleaford

3 years ago

Our intercessory group, Prayer At Ty Teg, unites our prayers for our Queen and family to feel the deep Shalom of Jesus holding them in their sorrow. the loss of a precious member, Prince Philip. <><

Jean Owen, from Caernarfon Rd. Bangor Gwynedd

3 years ago

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