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Prayer tree leaves: England and Wales

The Bible is a global bestseller, but for many people in England and Wales, the book remains a mystery. We're bringing the Bible to life in education, media, politics and the arts. Join us in prayer for this work by adding your prayer leaf.

Latest prayer leaves

Lord, guide us through this important year ahead and help us to make the right choices. Watch over those dear to us and help us to live together in peace and harmony. Amen.

9S, Bishop Vaughan School, from Swansea

4 years ago

We pray that Covid would soon be gone and that we can live our lives to the full.

8E, from Bishop Vaughan

4 years ago

Lord, I pray for my family. I pray they each find their own personal relationship with you and give their lives to you. For my colleagues, please let me share your love and good news with them.

Rachel , from Hampshire

4 years ago

We pray for all those suffering from covid-19, we hope they get better and are able to life their lives to the fullest. We pray the vunlerable are protected during these uncertain times. Amen

10.3, from Bishop Vaughan School

4 years ago

I pray for all the people suffering from Covid, that they may recover and come back stronger

Sam, from Swansea

4 years ago

I pray for my family and friends that they will live life to the fullest

Andrei, from Swansea

4 years ago

Dear Lord,
We pray for peace for the year ahead, for all families at this time of uncertainty. Guide and protect us throughout the challenging term. That we may flourish, reach our potential and achieve our goals. Amen

Tutorial 12.1, from Bishop Vaughan School, Swansea, S Wales

4 years ago

Dear God, we pray for all those affected by COVID-19, show them your peace. We ask for good health for all people and, as we start a new school year, offer us your protection, courage and strength. Amen.

Tutorial 12.2, from Bishop Vaughan School, Swansea, S Wales.

4 years ago

Dear Lord,
I pray for all our Shipmates and their friends and teachers at the beginning of this new term.
May they have a safe happy and successful year.

Andrea, from St Simon's Southsea

4 years ago

I pray for Gods protection on all the staff and children as they settle into the new ‘normal’.
I also pray that new children starting new schools also settle in and find new friends.

Ria, from Swansea, Wales

4 years ago

For Towcester CofE Primary, Greens Norton Primary, Nicholas Hawksmoor Primary and Sponne School. For all staff, pupils and parents - especially those who have been self isolating and those anxious about the return. LIYM

Tove Benefice , from Northamptonshire

4 years ago

Dear Lord, please watch over all of us at this time but especially our children and grandchildren as they return to school. Please keep them safe (as well as the staff). Amen

Wendy Bird

4 years ago

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