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Prayer tree leaves: England and Wales

The Bible is a global bestseller, but for many people in England and Wales, the book remains a mystery. We're bringing the Bible to life in education, media, politics and the arts. Join us in prayer for this work by adding your prayer leaf.

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Dear lord
help us in these times of need and help ones less fortunate than us, whether its in relationship, housing or finance. help those who can,t pay for necessary items like food, clothing or medicine, and help them.


4 years ago

dear brothers and sisters in christ jesus
let us pray without ceasing at the same time rejoice in the hope that we have to privilege to worship
our Lord, even though the church buildings are shut. We are the church!

Julee, from surrey

4 years ago

Praying for Christians persecuted for their faith, including in Britain.
Personally, I believe I'm in danger of criminal and unnecessary operations to almost completely destroy my life. Please God protect me and other Christians from satanists, in Jesus's name, Amen.

Julia Wilkinson (Miss), from Near Southampton

4 years ago

Dear God, please may people understand that this is me, Julia Wilkinson writing this and that my last prayer was not conceptual art, a joke, lies etc, but the genuine truth.
I've an identical twin who impersonates me.

Julia Wilkinson (Miss), from Near Southampton

4 years ago

Lord, please be with all those who are suffering due to the virus whatever their circumstances. Please do give strength to all those who bravely go to work on the frontline daily and comfort their families. Amen.

Liesl, from Wiltshire

4 years ago

Lord, please be with all those who have lost their insecure jobs in the Hospitality sector. Some are now homeless and sleeping rough. Please comfort them and give them hope. Amen


4 years ago

Lord God in England & Wales there are so many areas and landscapes that have been destroyed by people setting fire to them destroying precious crops, wildlife and just leaving devastation. i pray that this practice is stopped. Amen

Leanne Evans, from Porthcawl South Wales

4 years ago

Lord, please bring comfort to all during this uncertain time. Each person is carrying their own specific burden in this crisis. Reveal your love to bring hope. Amen


4 years ago

Lord, let us not forget our church leaders, that they will remain true to your word whilst exploring new ways to communicate your message of salvation. It is by grace we are saved not by anything we do.

Simon, from Bedfordshire

4 years ago

Dear Lord, be our strength and shield in this time of crisis. We pray for all those being treated for Corona virus, the people treating these patients and their loved ones separated from them. Grant them your Mercy and Peace

Lydia, from Bedfordshire

4 years ago

Almighty God, I pray Your love and mercy will be known to everyone in the UK, that their hearts will be turned to You, that they may be saturated with Your goodness, in Jesus' Mighty Name, amen.

Kim, from Hertfordshire

4 years ago

Dear God, please Lord help these people to find your love. Lord bless them with salvation and help spread your Word like wildfire. Thank you God for all your blessings. You will make it happen. Amen.

Bree, from Atlanta, GA, USA

4 years ago

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