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Prayer tree leaves: England and Wales

The Bible is a global bestseller, but for many people in England and Wales, the book remains a mystery. We're bringing the Bible to life in education, media, politics and the arts. Join us in prayer for this work by adding your prayer leaf.

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We have a Theatre production called And There Was War about Good vs Evil we are praying for the wisdom and leading of the Holy Spirit to change lives and connect audiences to a new or deeper relationship with Christ

Jermaine and Danielle Wong, from London

5 years ago

can i get some ministry opportunity and i finish my theology and looking forward teaching bible in your society could you please help me out how can i reach you

Deborah, from india

5 years ago

Dear God, our Father in heaven, may your church in Awbridge be guided by the Holy Spirit so that we may serve you in our community in the way you have planned for us. Amen

P, from Awbridge

6 years ago

For wisdom & kindness.
For simplicity & wonder.
For gratitude & trust.
Loving Saviour, Emmanuel.

Artytatty, from Cheshire

6 years ago

Dear Lord, I've just come back from Northern Ireland, you know the situation there Father, I pray you put peace in the heart of every citizen there and abroad. Fill them with your love, mercy and grace Amen

Susan, from Melton Mowbray

6 years ago

Give strength and wisdom to our leaders keep their vision clear to guide us safely. Help them to ignore those seeking personal benefit above the social need.

Emmawidd choc

6 years ago

Praying for a peaceful Christmas around the world and an end to the troubles. May people involved feel the loving touch and caring hands of our Lord in amidst their difficulties. Peace. Amen

Karen, from UK

6 years ago

Please remind us to treat all with kindness patience and love. A moment to listen carefully and consider the needs of others could spare all of us pain sadness and fear.


6 years ago

Dear Lord
We are reminded of your blessed gift to the world this Christmas. May all the world hear your word, feel your peace and share your love. In Jesus name. Amen


6 years ago

Dear God,
In these times of turmoil and extreme unkindness, I pray that your loving power and mercy flows through us to act as the loving balm the world needs to heal and bring forth peace, understanding and tolerance. Amen


6 years ago

Dear Lord, please give wisdom and compassion to all in the world but especially world leaders who are striving for peace. I especially pray for those citizens in wartorn countries at this festive time. May they know peace. Amen.

Jenny, from Hampshire

6 years ago

Oh Lord thank you for the reminder that you are over the powers and rulers of this world. Please work in the hearts of those who lead. May they know you. Amen.


6 years ago

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