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Prayer tree leaves: England and Wales

The Bible is a global bestseller, but for many people in England and Wales, the book remains a mystery. We're bringing the Bible to life in education, media, politics and the arts. Join us in prayer for this work by adding your prayer leaf.

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Loving Lord, as innovative initiatives, like 'Follow the star' and the Christmas tree festival happen in Yate, I pray that the true meaning of Christmas will permeate hearts, bringing people to Jesus. Out of darkness into His Holy light. Amen

Jacky, from Yate

6 years ago

Loving God, thank you for Jesus, God with us, prince of peace. Help me to share your peace with those near to me and those far away. Lord, have mercy on everyone living in your world. Amen.


6 years ago

Please prayer for all people in transition or waiting. Let them know your love for them and trust you in everything.


6 years ago

Dear God,
Thank you for all the many blessings you have given me and I pray that I live my life in a way that brings blessings to others.
Please bring comfort to those who are not as blessed. Amen


6 years ago

Father God, thank you so much for the presence of Peace despite what is going on in the world. I pray everyone will encounter your amazing PEACE this Christmas and in the years ahead. Amen

Ellie, from Kent

6 years ago

Father, thank you for the gift of PEACE that you have sown in our hearts. Thank you for the Prince of Peace that has made it possible. Thank you that we are at Peace with you because of Christmas.

Roger, from Bedfordshire

6 years ago

Mighty God, Everlasting Father, Prince of Peace, You are indeed such a Wonderful Councellor. I pray for all those in Derby who don't know you & live without the truth of you wonderful Good News. Open their eyes Lord. Amen

Claire, from Derby

6 years ago

Father God we thank you for your abundant provision and ask that Your Word will reach many for the first time this Christmas and that peace will rest in many heart and shine through

Joan, from North East

6 years ago

I pray that those in our country who are anxious about making ends meet this Christmas, will have their needs supplied and know the peace of God guarding their hearts and minds in Christian Jerusalem. Amen

Ruth, from Shrewsbury

6 years ago

Lord Jesus, Wonderful Counselor, Prince of Peace, please guide the leaders of nations in the way of Peace.

alison, from Buckinghamshire

6 years ago

i Pray that this Christmas all can find peace and stillness in their homes and hearts that all can feel the feeling of joy in whatever circumstances they are in and wherever they are.


6 years ago

I pray that for many Christmas can change from a mad rush and many things to do to a reflective time with Jesus at their hearts.


6 years ago

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