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Prayer tree leaves: England and Wales

The Bible is a global bestseller, but for many people in England and Wales, the book remains a mystery. We're bringing the Bible to life in education, media, politics and the arts. Join us in prayer for this work by adding your prayer leaf.

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Dear Lord, could you please shout ‘wake up’ to the UK and the West regarding the production and transportation of equipment to the Ukraine, and the need for their own country. Help them to realise this sluggish attitude is putting all our countries at risk of hostilities and invasion. Amen.

Kathryn, from Manchester

6 months ago

Dear Lord, please help the Leaders of the country and councils to make sensible decisions that help to unite and support the people and the country. Encourage the strong to protect the weak, for people to care, to care about one another. Through Jesus Christ. Amen.

Kathryn, from Manchester

6 months ago

Dear Lord, how angry and saddened you must be with the way we have behaved towards ourselves, other people, and the environment. Please help us to stop warmongering, abusing ourselves and the earth, and to start focusing on what we should be doing for your Son’s sake. Amen.

Kathryn, from Manchester

6 months ago

Merciful Father, please help Mr Ian MacKeller to be freed from his terrible ordeal, and for him to return home to Scotland. In the name of your Son, in the power of the Holy Spirit. Amen.

Kathryn, from Manchester

6 months ago

Jesus, Come, and let Your Holy Spirit surround every prisoner, chaplain and all those who work in Your name in our prisons. Fill them with Your love and melt away the hurt, anger , hopelessness and all resistance to Your Word. Let Your will be done in the might name of Jesus! Amen.

Jennie, from Ferndown, Dorset

6 months ago

Dear Father please have your Holy Spirit bring wisdom to our Government .help them to seek your face for guidance at this difficult time. Please be with the prisoners helping them to come to the foot of the cross in repentance and understand the Love of God. In Jesus precious name.

Judy, from Garstang

6 months ago

O Lord, draw near to those in prison who are lonely, and depressed please bring them hope as Chaplains share the good news and seek to befriend them. May they come to know the hope and new life that Jesus brings and find meaning and purpose in following his ways.

David, from Littlehampton

6 months ago

Lord, I lift up to you all those in prison. Please open their hearts so that they may seek you, turn to you to for forgiveness, redemption & be filled with your love, hope and a new spirit as no sin is too great for your forgiveness or transformation Lord. Amen.

Sally, from Cornwall

6 months ago

Anyone can end up in prison.
The Messiah himself was a prisoner.
If God's son became a prisoner, all prisoners will be known always as God's children . To be a child of God is not a weakness, but a strength that cannot be defeated.


6 months ago

Dear Lord

We lift up to you all those who live in prison - all who are angry, confused, sad or desperate. All who have not benefitted from tenderness or good parenting. Breathe on them dear Lord and bring life to them. Help them to turn towards you and feel loved. In Jesus name Amen


6 months ago

R is Father God we honour your name. We pray that as your word the Bible is given into the hands of those in prison who are seeking you that they will find your truth, Grace and freedom in Jesus our Lord. We prayer for chaplains that you would prosper their work as they seek to bring your hope.


6 months ago

Heavenly Father, please guide and direct those responsible for managing the UK, ensuring they meet the needs of the country and its people, in all aspects of care, including the safety of its citizens. Keep us bound together, supportive to each other, and respectful of needs. Through Jesus Christ.

Kathryn, from Manchester

6 months ago

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