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Prayer tree leaves: England and Wales

The Bible is a global bestseller, but for many people in England and Wales, the book remains a mystery. We're bringing the Bible to life in education, media, politics and the arts. Join us in prayer for this work by adding your prayer leaf.

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Lord, I pray for peace to come to Yemen this Christmas. May the season of goodwill promote goodwill between warring factions, and bring much needed peace to those innocent victims of famine and disease, caused by this civil war.

Kirsty, from Bolton

6 years ago

Lord we ask for rest this evening as we return from our days activities. A blessing on those who have no home or family.
Encourage us to welcome the lonely and homeless into our lives this Christmas.
In Jesus name

Jean , from Somerset

6 years ago

Oh Father, it must break your heart how messed up your world is. We have neglected and ravaged your Earth with all its bounty. We have plundered Your Creation through our greed and selfishness. Forgive us Lord we pray.Sorry.

Michele, from Wisbech

6 years ago

Lord God give us peace in our hearts, peace in our families, peace in our communities and peace in our world - in Jesus name. Amen

Jan, from Pinner

6 years ago

Dear Lord, look into the hearts of world leaders and help them seek ways to bring this troubled world to peace and kindness and compassion towards all others, help them to know your word.

Rosemary, from Derby, England

6 years ago

Prayers for all leaders to work together towards peace across all countries, borders , islands and continents.

Anonymous, from Ibstock

6 years ago

Pray for wisdom for Theresa May and that God will bless her.


6 years ago

Dear Jesus, I pray that as Christmas approaches, people will find your peace in all the bustle and that they will remember that you are the reason we celebrate. Amen


6 years ago

Dear Lord, give us peace throughout this united Kingdom of ours as we hurtle towards "Brexit". give Theresa May your guidance as she fights our corner with the European ministers and her own. for Jesus' sake, Amen

Sarah , from Cumbria

6 years ago

I pray Lord, that you would bless our leaders, our politicians, and specifically our PM, with the gift of inner peace. Grant them the serenity, wisdom and heavenly peace that can only come from you.
In Jesus' name I pray.

Jude, from Chichester

6 years ago

Heavenly Father, I pray for peace in your beautiful world, we are all in desperate need of you. Fill the hearts and minds of all the world leaders with your love, wisdom and compassion to restore peace everywhere. Amen

Denise, from Oxford

6 years ago

Wonderful counsellor, prince of peace, born in the shadow of the cross, we worship you. We pray for those who are persecuted, may you be their courage. We also pray for your leading in the UK.


6 years ago

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