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Prayer tree leaves: England and Wales

The Bible is a global bestseller, but for many people in England and Wales, the book remains a mystery. We're bringing the Bible to life in education, media, politics and the arts. Join us in prayer for this work by adding your prayer leaf.

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Dear Lord we pray for peace in The Holy Land especially at this time of year when we are remembering the Birth of your son Jesus. Guide the leaders towards peace. Amen

Carol Skyner, from Liverpool

6 years ago

Dear Father in Heaven, I pray that you will give wisdom to all in authority in England, to the argumentative politicians who seem to think that their own agendas should come before that of our wonderful country.

JB, from Lincolnshire

6 years ago

Dear Father
I pray for peace in my neighbourhood- that people can get along and be civil. I pray for the government and our leaders that they will be strong and resolute in these troubling times.


6 years ago

Lord of all wisdom, we pray for peace in the Holy Land, in Syria and in the Yemen. Give the leaders the strength to out aside peronal ambition and the vision to find a way to make peace.


6 years ago

Lord I pray that you give us the grace to make peace with those who have hurt us.

Valda, from Eaglescliffe

6 years ago

Lord I pray for peace in our world for those grieving,sick,suffering,tormented and in the midst of conflict. I pray to for wisdom for world leaders to strive for peace and to stop actions of cruelty.


6 years ago

Dear Father God, all around there is hostility towards those who are different to ourselves. This Christmas, may our hearts be opened to anyone in need or trouble, whatever their race or creed, in your name.

Sue, from London

6 years ago

Dear Lord, you are the peace giver. Only Your peace can complete us. Spread Your peace all over the world, uniting people. In Jesus's name, Amen


6 years ago

Teach me how to be at peace with myself and then help me to share this with others. Help me to be a calming presence that disperses tension and promotes harmony between others for your names sake. Amen

Sheila, from Sheffield

6 years ago

Dear Lord
In these times of upheaval and turbulence we need both peace for all nations and the spiritual peace only You can provide
Grant this in Your Name


6 years ago

Father, please pray for peace in all areas of conflict around the world and that all in the world may feel peace in their hearts.


6 years ago

Heavenly Father, Jesus is the Prince of Peace. May that peace be with us always especially during this season of peace and goodwill. Help me to spread that peace to all Amen


6 years ago

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