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Prayer tree leaves: England and Wales

The Bible is a global bestseller, but for many people in England and Wales, the book remains a mystery. We're bringing the Bible to life in education, media, politics and the arts. Join us in prayer for this work by adding your prayer leaf.

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May God continue to support and love all of us as we go about our daily lives, holding our hands when we need Him, picking us up and dusting us down when we fall.


6 years ago

Dear God, I pray that you will bring peace to our troubled world. Amen

B, from Cumbria

6 years ago

I pray especially for those in leadership of this country at this difficult time.

Rosemary, from southampton

6 years ago

Father bring your peace to this world. That we may live togther as your people. Caring and sharing in the way you designed us to.


6 years ago

Your word says to pray for the peace of Jerusalem, Father I pray for Israel that you will give them peace at this unstable time and that all Jewish people throughout the world might know the Prince of Peace. Amen

Anonymous, from Devon

6 years ago

Please look after my family especially my mum keep them all healthy and well in body and mind keep them safe. Keep me healthy and let my gallbladder settled with no inflammation,infections or any stones escaping.


6 years ago

I prayer for my friend and support worker M please Lord let her morning sickness ease and let her be able to hold food down and get more energy and feel better soon.


6 years ago

Father bless men and women of peace wherever they are. Let them walk in your favour and give supernatural power and influence to their words. I pray for men and women who are positioned to make a difference in conflict situations, that they would be conduits of your will. I pray for France, the UK, Yemen and Syria, in each of their current difficulties let peace, love, kindness and justice find a way. Amen

Elaine, from Manchester

6 years ago

I pray especially today for all our MPs and those who will be making crucial decisions today about the future of our leadership in these difficult times


6 years ago

Lord, in a world that is full of turmoil, citizens of countries fighting amongst themselves, nations against nations, we pray that your peace will be evident in our lives as a light to others. Amen


6 years ago

Dear Lord
We pray for peace and justice for people around the world who currently know little of either
In Jesus’ name

Martin, from Yorkshire

6 years ago

I pray for Teresa May/the Conservatives that they will stop squabbling amongst themselves and get around the table to discuss and agree a Brexit policy that is good for the whole country.

Jax, from London

6 years ago

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