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Prayer tree leaves: England and Wales

The Bible is a global bestseller, but for many people in England and Wales, the book remains a mystery. We're bringing the Bible to life in education, media, politics and the arts. Join us in prayer for this work by adding your prayer leaf.

Latest prayer leaves

Father of all, our world is in turmoil. You are the true bringer of peace. I pray for your peace in the Commons over next few days and especially tonight.

Sue, from Redditch

6 years ago

I pray for peace in all countries this Christmas time and also that all families will find peace with each other.


6 years ago

Pray Shalom on our House of Commons and the Conservative MPs as they vote this evening.


6 years ago

Father God, bring the peace of the Christ child into our hearts this Christmas-time. Help us face personal, social and political challenges knowing that your love and strength are with us. Amen.

Claire Barber, from Northamptonshire

6 years ago

Dear Lord
We pray for peace & healing where there is division amongst people & MPs due to Brexit. We pray for greater understanding & a willingness to listen to others & for a genuine desire to reconciliation.

Helen, from Derby

6 years ago

Dear Father Jehovah, please help us to focus on the joyful arrival of the Prince of Peace during this Christmas season, in our current times of division and conflict. Please bless and heal our broken world with Shalom today.

Adwoa, from London

6 years ago

Heavenly Father, would your peace reign in our country this Chritsmastime.

Alison, from Liverpool

6 years ago

Dear Lord, wrap your loving arms around all those who are homeless, may they know your peace and have hope for the future. Bless and sustain all those who work to stamp out homelessness. Amen


6 years ago

We know our world is broken through out sin, and we are to expect wars and rumours of wars, but we still pray that your peace my reign in our hearts.

Diane, from Derby

6 years ago

Dear Lord in these times of trouble and uncertainty across your world, I pray for wisdom for all World Leaders that they would put their differences aside and concentrate on promoting peace across the nations. Amen

Helen, from Surrey

6 years ago

Dear Lord, the world is in such turbulence at the moment. May those caught up in turmoil know your peace and may they spread it in their communities. Amen.


6 years ago

May families - broken or otherwise - all over the world come together at Christmas and remember the reason for the season.


6 years ago

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