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Prayer tree leaves: England and Wales

The Bible is a global bestseller, but for many people in England and Wales, the book remains a mystery. We're bringing the Bible to life in education, media, politics and the arts. Join us in prayer for this work by adding your prayer leaf.

Latest prayer leaves

O Lord be with our Politicians that they may watch their words and actions which can be destructive in their passion to others. May they find the still calm that our Lord promises.

Betty, from Wiltshire

6 years ago

Father, strengthen us to be peace makers from the inside out.


6 years ago

Dear Lord and Saviour as you came into the world to be a light in the darkness will you bring your peace which passes all understanding into the hearts and minds of all those who love and know you. Amen!!

Sheelagh, from Cirencester

6 years ago

Dear God,
There is so much anger, so much hurt, so much violence in the world today.
We need your peace more than anything.
Help us to do our part in our little corner of the world.

Nancy, from Kent

6 years ago

I’m lighting my candle to pray for peace tonight 🙏♥️


6 years ago

Heavenly Father, please may bereaved people know the miracle of the shalom peace of the Lord Jesus this Christmas. Amen

Ann, from S. Wales

6 years ago

Heavenly Father,
I pray that you will send your peace into our troubled world. Thank you for Jesus. Reveal yourself to those who are suffering and draw close to all your people this Christmas. Amen.

Anne, from Norwich

6 years ago

Thank you Lord for the amazing work of Open the book. Thank you that millions of children hear from the Bible each week. I pray for your protection over the volunteers as they do this work each week. Amen

Holly, from Gloucester

6 years ago

Lord Jesus, I pray for peace. We need it so much, Lord: in our hearts, our lives, our homes, our communities, our country and our world. Lord of love, come to us and fill us with your peace. Amen.

Jan, from London

6 years ago

Lord Father in heaven, be merciful this Christmas period bless the weak the vulnerable and all the people who need your warmth, shelter, love and protection. May you guide all peoples out of the darkness and into light AMEN.

Scott Goodwin, from Derbyshire

6 years ago

Dear Lord and Father, please help our Government to make decisions which are pleasing to you today, tomorrow and in the weeks ahead. Thank you

Paul, from Telford

6 years ago

Bring peace in parliament that we may soon see resolution on Brexit. .


6 years ago

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