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Prayer tree leaves: England and Wales

The Bible is a global bestseller, but for many people in England and Wales, the book remains a mystery. We're bringing the Bible to life in education, media, politics and the arts. Join us in prayer for this work by adding your prayer leaf.

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Dear Father God, we pray for peace in places where violence and terror are used to control. Turn the hearts of those who carry out these acts to the light and love of Jesus Christ. Bring peace in our time.


6 years ago

I pray the peace of Christ would surround this nation and all its people. That all would know of the love of Jesus this Christmas time and each day that follows amen

Vanessa wood, from Loughborough Leicestershire

6 years ago

Heavenly Father, I pray for peace.Peace in our lives,our homes,the streets,the care homes,hospitals,our nation and our world. You are the truth and I pray that people may see your shining Glory,to know and follow you in their hearts. Amen

CHARLOTTE, from Langport

6 years ago

We pray for all those who are experiencing unrest - physically, mentally, emotionally, spiritually. Lord, may your peace rest upon them and may they know your presence through their trials.


6 years ago

Lord I pray for peace in this country and Europe. May division and argument between families, politicians and leaders cease so that we can all focus on helping those in need . Amen

Liz, from Ashtead

6 years ago

Lord in an ever divided world, help us to bring peace rather than division, to show understanding rather than pride and to bring your love and peace to all we meet.


6 years ago

May all those who have not yet made peace with their Saviour be reminded this Christmas that Jesus was born to save them and that they can receive his gift of salvation without which they cannot know true peace.

Sylviane, from Malvern

6 years ago

Father God, we are in awe when we realise that Christ' birth is foretold in Your Word. Help us to take time today to sit peacefully and focus on why WE are celebrating Christmas. Thanks.

Beryl, from Near Reading

6 years ago

Father God, I know that you are Lord over all the earth. Please cover the earth with your peace and love, poured into the hearts and minds of all people, so the whole earth will praise you forever.

Lis, from Warwickshire

6 years ago

Lord of wisdom we pray for restoration of peace on our own government and nation that with your help we may find a way out of the more on which we are stuck. Give us humble leadership which is accountable.

Gay, from Stafford

6 years ago

Dear Lord - we pray today for peace in our world, and an end to violence. Remind us all that we share your world with others, many less fortunate than we are and who may be resentful. Help us to understand their frustration, which often expresses itself in violence and anger. Purify the minds and attitudes of men and women in leadership, especially the media, so that they present a more peaceful view of our world, rather than violent and explicit images that agitate those troubled in spirit.
May the world know the peace of Christ, without which society loses its direction and ignores its deep desire for peace. Amen

Linda , from South Somerset

6 years ago

Lord of peace, bring your promise this advent season to all who live in turmoil. Guide our Mps to make the right decisions needed. Remind all that our hungry due to war that you are always there to love them

Fiona, from Wellingborough

6 years ago

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