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Prayer tree leaves: England and Wales

The Bible is a global bestseller, but for many people in England and Wales, the book remains a mystery. We're bringing the Bible to life in education, media, politics and the arts. Join us in prayer for this work by adding your prayer leaf.

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Pray for peace in France. Many many people are disenchanted with life. They thought that their children would have a better life than they did, but those hopes have been dashed.

Anonymous, from France

6 years ago

Heavenly Father, inspire us to bring peace among the nations. In times of so many divisions, may you make us whole again. May those in authority seek out the needs of those they serve.


6 years ago

Dear Lord,
Thank you for your promise of Peace,we easily forget when we look around us. I pray that your peace can infiltrate the hardest of hearts.please let that Peace be felt today where there is conflict and division Amen.

Pia, from Somerset

6 years ago

Father in heaven ,I pray today especially for peace within our parliament,may MP’s of all parties be made aware of your peace as they make decisions. In Jesus precious name I ask.


6 years ago

Lord of all hope, Prince of Peace, bring your Holy presence to those whose hearts are broken by the strife and fear they endure because of their circumstances. May your peace and grace surround them. Amen

Gail, from Wiltshire

6 years ago

Dear God, please bring peace to this troubled, war-torn world where people are killed needlessly every day. Bring peace to those struggling with illness especially mental health, which is so misunderstood. Thank you dear father for hearing my prayers. Amen

Christine, from Ipswich

6 years ago

Dear Lord,
Let us rejoice in the true meaning of Christmas remembering the amazing gift you gave us.
Let us feel your love and mirror that love to one and all

Dawn, from Nirthamptobshire

6 years ago

Let there be peace on earth and let it begin with me. Amen


6 years ago

Lord Jesus,
I pray you will bring peace and wholeness to our government this day. Also peace to all in Yemen and anyone everywhere struggling with depression and/or anxiety will you grant them peace through it all.


6 years ago

Dear Heavenly Father, send down Your peace today to help us give peace to others. Open our eyes and hearts to see the needs of those forgotten by society. Let's work together to implement Your Word, amen.

Scottish lass, from Inveraray

6 years ago

Each day we hear about fighting, murders etc both near and far. Be with those caught up in them. Help us all be your peacemakers in our small corner of your world and shine your light into any darkness. Amen.

Sandra, from Shropshire

6 years ago

I pray for friendships that have broken in the world to be fixed and for happiness to spread around our world


6 years ago

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