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Prayer tree leaves: England and Wales

The Bible is a global bestseller, but for many people in England and Wales, the book remains a mystery. We're bringing the Bible to life in education, media, politics and the arts. Join us in prayer for this work by adding your prayer leaf.

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Dear Lord,
I pray for peace in every country, let man not hate each other but love one another, may we meet together and be united in your love.

Anonymous, from Leeds

6 years ago

Dear Father I pray for peace in this country during the devisive time of Brexit. I pray that you will guide those in power towards a peaceful outcome for the future of our country, in your Name.

Angela Bowhill, from Leigh-on-Sea

6 years ago

Thank you Jesus for the peace you give us. I pray that the world will know and experience this peace as well especially during this Christmas season.

Emelia, from Plaistow

6 years ago

Father God, I pray for peace in Israel - thank you that with you all things are possible. Amen


6 years ago

God of Peace, I pray for our politicians who have passionate views about the way forward for our country at this critical moment. I pray they’ll pause & seek your guidance, that they’ll listen to others & chose peace.

Kim, from Lincoln

6 years ago

I pray for Britain at the moment. The conflict between leavers and remainders. How people can lose friends because they're on the opposite side.


6 years ago

Lord Jesus, give peace to our government ministers today and peace to our country this Christmas, Amen

Anna, from York

6 years ago

Dear Lord, I pray for peace in our governments leading us through such challenging situations. Please guide them towards decisions that lead to peaceful outcomes. I pray that your love will be seen more evidently in the world. Amen x

Joy, from Lyon, France

6 years ago

Lord, give us peace, Your peace.
May those in trouble, those in distress, those suffering war and living in fear know Your peace, Your perfect peace. Amen

Gina, from Norfolk

6 years ago

Dear Lord, bring peace to this broken world: peace in our families, communities, countries. Peace to all those affected by violence, conflict, oppression or terror. Peace to those causing violence or fear. Let your peace flow like a river. Amen

Anonymous, from Scotland

6 years ago

Father, I pray that your peace will be know amongst the Iranian Christians who are facing increased persecution at this time in Iran. Bless them with a mighty touch of your Holy Spirit to encourage and empower them.

Roger, from Great Brickhill

6 years ago

Lord God please bring peace to the hearts and minds of all people. Put peace in the minds and actions of those in authority, helping to make a safe society for all.


6 years ago

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