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Prayer tree leaves: Middle East and North Africa

Bible Society teams are sharing the Bible with those affected by war in the Middle East as they offer Bible-based trauma healing as well as food and other essentials. You can support us in prayer by adding a prayer leaf to our tree. Together, we can support those who need it most.

Latest prayer leaves

Father, send your spirit to comfort and strengthen all those suffering persecution in Jesus' name, especially those in the conflict in the middle east.

Elaine , from Swansea

7 years ago

Comfort those who mourn, their homes, their livelihoods, their friends, their peace of mind. Provide those who can channel your love and healing to restore new hope and faith. Amen


7 years ago

Embolden your believers to be willing hands and feet to those hurting as a result of the trauma of war. Amen


7 years ago

Dear Lord, we pray for the healing of all those who suffer through war. Make them whole in body, mind and spirit in the name of your Son Jesus Christ. Amen.

Katy, from UK

7 years ago

Heavenly father, I ask you to relieve the oppression felt by the refugees and to hasten their return to rebuild their lives in safety. Give wisdom, protection and strength to all people working in areas of conflict. In Jesus name.


7 years ago

I prayer for the children of Syria that they may know the breadth and the length and the height and the depth, that they may really know practically and fully experience 'the Love of God'. For He is Love. Amen

Amal, from London

7 years ago

Father,we praise you thank you glorify you for blessing our home with healing ,married life for our daughter ,now we need your grace,mercy,breakthrough,favor,marriage blessings for our son.with gratitude we submit our humble request. make our son life peace,joy &success..Amen


7 years ago

Dear Father God,
Thank you for being a stronghold in times of trouble to those who trust in you. Thank you for the promises in the Bible of a future where there will be no more suffering, death, mourning, crying or pain.
Until then, Loving Father, please comfort those who are suffering; bring hope to those who are in despair; bring healing to those who are broken; and peace where conflict is raging. And, Merciful Father, help us who love you to reflect your limitless love in our daily lives, wherever possible.
I pray in the name of your Son, Jesus Christ.

Heidi, from UK

7 years ago

I pray that refugees find comfort in whatever faith they are, knowing that they are being prayed for by Christians as well as other religions. May they, and the world, find peace.


7 years ago

Father we know you care for your people and we ask you will protect, comfort and strengthen Christians in Aleppo. We ask that you would supply their needs and that they would feel especially lived by you.

Christine , from London

7 years ago

Father God thank you for hearing our prayers for Aleppo. Thank you that the shop is still open and ministering to the people there. Work miracles father in their hearts and minds. Amen

Helen, from Bournemouth

7 years ago

Dear Heavenly Father, Please help the people of Syria, please heal their wounds and scars, look after them, give them hope, faith and guidance in this terrible time. Please listen and answer their prayers whatever they need please help

Preeti, from Uk

7 years ago

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