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Prayer tree leaves: Middle East and North Africa

Bible Society teams are sharing the Bible with those affected by war in the Middle East as they offer Bible-based trauma healing as well as food and other essentials. You can support us in prayer by adding a prayer leaf to our tree. Together, we can support those who need it most.

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All Gracious God, I have been reminded several times recently that You are able to do immeasurably more than we ask or imagine (Ephesians 3v20) so I ask for protection and peace for all those working for good.


8 years ago

Thank you so much, Lord, for the good news from Aleppo. Please continue to guard and guide all those who work in Bible House so that it may continue to be a place of comfort and stability for many. Amen


8 years ago

Thank you for the prayer update - so encouraged to hear about the response to the distribution of Bibles. Praying for the continued courage and safety of Gaith and others who are bringing God's love to those in Aleppo.


8 years ago

All seeing God please work in the minds of those creating difficulties for those seeking to bring peace and aid to those suffering and living each day in fear. Amen

Anni, from Chester le street

8 years ago

Jesus, Light of the World, may the light of your Presence shine in the lives of your people, that they may be signs of hope for others. In your precious name, Amen.


8 years ago

Dear Lord Jesus I pray for our dear brother and his family in Aleppo that you will keep them and all in Aleppo hopeful, strengthened by your Word and Holy Spirit. Keep them safe and protected in Jesus. Amen

Kim, from Bournemouth

8 years ago

Please Lord help those who have had to flee their homes, to find their comfort in you and practical loving help from others around them, and grant them restoration and peace in this new year, through Jesus. Amen

Margaret, from Eastwood

8 years ago

Thank-you Father, for your people, sharing your truth and love with great courage and compassion. Protect them LORD as they open eyes to your word, strengthen them with the joy of your presence and save many souls through their work

Dan Morrice, from Bristol

8 years ago

May you experience the presence of God as Father to the fatherless
Jesus, Prince of Peace
The Holy Spirit drawing you to the God of ALL Comfort

Polly Nute, from Totnes

8 years ago

Look after and protect those in Syria....especially Christians facing persecution, war and darkness. Let Christianity shine through all this!

Rohan Ranasinghe, from Epsom

8 years ago

I ask that your word becomes a revelation in all the men, women, and children in Syria. That they will see hope in the darkness, experience your love and find salvation. Blessing and protection for those distributing bibles. Amen

Melanie Freeman , from Redbridge

8 years ago

Father, please send your Holy Spirit to comfort all who are traumatized by the conflict in the Middle East. May your love be released and may both young and old blossom again through your peace.

Tim, from Bedford, UK

8 years ago

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