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Prayer tree leaves: Middle East and North Africa

Bible Society teams are sharing the Bible with those affected by war in the Middle East as they offer Bible-based trauma healing as well as food and other essentials. You can support us in prayer by adding a prayer leaf to our tree. Together, we can support those who need it most.

Latest prayer leaves

Loving and Merciful Father, may the blood of the Lamb protect our Algerian brothers and sisters in Christ. Holy Spirit of the Living God, empower them to stand firm in the face of persecution. In Jesus name. Amen.

Josie Winstanley, from Chester

5 years ago

Heavenly Father
We earnestly pray for brothers and sisters in Algeria that they might know your comfort and peace in their difficult situation. We pray that the authorities will reconsider their decision to close churches and withhold Bibles. Amen

Jeff, from Rotherham

5 years ago

We pray for peace and understanding for the people of Algeria and that they may worship the Lord in all his glory without the fear of being persecuted. We pray you soften the hearts Lord of those who persecute

The Dunn Family, from Glasgow

5 years ago

Lord Jesus, I pray your blessing and protection over our brothers and sisters in Christ who are being persecuted in Algeria. Protect them with your blood, place your hedge of protection around them

Michael, from Bournemouth

5 years ago

Father God we pray for the Christians in Algeria. Lord we do not know why the evil forces are persecuting them but we know that you are a caring God and love all of your people.


5 years ago

Father In Jesus name I pray protection by the power of the blood of Jesus. Strengthen them and let no weapon be formed against them thank that the gates of hell will not prevail. Amen

June, from Uk

5 years ago

'If you are insulted because of the name of Christ, you are blessed, for the Spirit of glory and of God rests on you.' (1 Peter 4:14) I pray that you can experience the deep joy of this blessing.

Ian LaRiviere, from St Albans

5 years ago

Lord Jesus please comfort and encourage these people from today onwards. Cover them under your wings of protection and healing. Please let them know you are with them and in their midst of this anguish and suffering. Bring them through...

NB, from Liverpool

5 years ago

Loving and merciful God - hear the cries of your people: especially those being persecuted. Fill them with courage and hope as they live in fear. In your vulnerability you suffer with your children but in your power you overcome.

roger, from UK

5 years ago

Heavenly Father may your children in Algeria be so aware of your presence that they will stay strong in their faith in you. Please protect them. Amen


5 years ago

Lord God, We thank You that we are part of Your worldwide family, Surround our Brothers + Sisters with You Protection, See them through times of persecution, Strengthen them, May they remember that In You we have the victory. Amen

Beryl, from Liverpool

5 years ago

Dear Father God,
Thank you for the work that BRF is doing to address trauma in this area. We pray that it would be effective and help many recover and grow in their relationship with you.

Margaret , from London

5 years ago

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