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Prayer tree leaves: Middle East and North Africa

Bible Society teams are sharing the Bible with those affected by war in the Middle East as they offer Bible-based trauma healing as well as food and other essentials. You can support us in prayer by adding a prayer leaf to our tree. Together, we can support those who need it most.

Latest prayer leaves

Dear Lord,
Be with your people in Syria and enable them to hold on to you, however dark it is.

Roy M Moody, from Butleigh

5 years ago

Lord Jesus Christ, as a child you fled from the swords of Herod's soldiers and became a refugee in Egypt,
we pray for those who have fled from the fighting in Syria.
may they find a new home and new hope.

David Durston, from Salisbury

5 years ago

Lord Jesus Christ, you love this place and this people. will your protect those who hold your name dear, fill them with your Holy Spirit of love, compassion, strength and courage.

Rev'd susan, from cambridge

5 years ago

Dear Father we pray your power into the Syrian conflict and audaciously ask that you bring peace that is beyond our understanding. You are able to do immeasurably more than we can ever think or imagine.

Debs, from Caerphilly

5 years ago

Father, please minster your healing and deliverance to these, your precious children. Protect and guide all who have been forced out of their homes. Meet their every need as you have promised and may angels be ever present with them.

Jane, from Birmingham

5 years ago

Father we implore you to give wisdom to those in power and for hope to an end to this terrible conflict. May your solace be with those in situation we cannot truly understand. Amen

Anni , from Gateshead

5 years ago

Heavenly Father, please help politicians and leaders to work together for peace and to be willing to compromise for the good of everyone. May they work for peace with justice.

Janet, from Liverpool

5 years ago

Heavenly Father, please comfort those who have been bereaved, as well as those injured or displaced during this conflict. May the faith of the believers amongst them serve as an unfailing witness of the power of Your Holy Spirit. Amen.

Benjamin, from Isle of Lewis, Western Isles of Scotland, United Kingdom

5 years ago

Dear Lord,
Thank you for George and the team.
Protect your people and bless them as they serve you in such dangerous times. May they continue to shine the light of your grace and truth into the lives of the traumatised.

Elizabeth, from Cambridge

5 years ago

Dear Jesus,
Protect your children who are victims of war as they flee, cover them and make them safe.
In Jesus name AMEN

Nnedi , from London England

5 years ago

Thank you Lord for George and his team, sustain them and strengthen them and give them wisdom in the situations they find themselves in. Please protect and provide for those who have had to flee their homes.

Jean Woolley

5 years ago

Prosper your work, O Lord, to bring healing to the people of Syria. May they be upheld by our love for them through the work of the Bible Society Action Groups.

Mary, from Cambridge

5 years ago

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