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Prayer tree leaves: Middle East and North Africa

Bible Society teams are sharing the Bible with those affected by war in the Middle East as they offer Bible-based trauma healing as well as food and other essentials. You can support us in prayer by adding a prayer leaf to our tree. Together, we can support those who need it most.

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May what the Lord has started be sustained through His precious Holy Spirit. Thank You Lord for what you are doing! We give you praise. We ask that Syria be built back stronger & better in Spirit and in Truth!


5 years ago

Father God it’s say in the Bible that all who call upon the name of Jesus will be saved.
Father I ask that you will give them the peace of the Holy Spirit, the peace that passes all understanding Amen

Vivienne, from West Sussex

5 years ago

Loving Lord, thank you for the comfort and strength we can find in your word. Bless, guide, protect and support the Bible Society's work in Syria and those who discover your truths and love through it.

Anne Cash

5 years ago

Almighty and everlasting God we thank you for your Word, let your Word shine in all the dark places in Syria. Jesus Christ, Son of the living God have mercy on your people.


5 years ago

Father you are always with us in times of need. Thank you for the bible society who by distributing bibles help all people find and get to know you and find peace even in war.

Lorna Russell

5 years ago

Father God we pray for all who are finding faith through Your Word. Provide each one with a safer place to live and grow. Protect all who go out taking Bibles into dangerous places. Amen

Celia, from Bristol UK

5 years ago

O Lord
Please protect the people of Syria and give them refuge in the comfort of the bible, may your wisdom and love for all mankind shine through, we love you O Lord, and your word is giving hope.

Lindsay, from Northwich

5 years ago

Dear Heavenly Father lay your healing hand on all those suffering in Syria, whether in body, mind or spirit, help all those who have been separated find their loved ones again and bring to end the dreadful killing. Amen

David, from West Sussex England

5 years ago

I pray that those traumatised by the war will find peace in Christ and that someone will always be there to support their growing faith.

Lynne, from West Sussex

5 years ago

Lord preserve and protect your people in Syria,may they know your peace and presence right now
I ask in the name of Jesus

Bill, from UK

5 years ago

Lord, help us to see your face in the face of everyone we meet and open our hearts to love them as we love you. Inspire us to help all those suffering in Syria in your name. Amen

Vera, from Essex

5 years ago

Lord we pray for all the people of Syria, that those who are separated may one day be reunited and the Country know Peace once more.

Helen, from RWB

5 years ago

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