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Prayer tree leaves: Ukraine

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Lord after many years of peace it is hard to suddenly fight to defend country, freedom and livelihood.Please give Ukraine the courage to carry on determinedly and fulfil their hope to regain land, sovereignty and above all freedom.Please stop the killing and bring peace.Amen


15 hours ago

Dear Lord, thank you for the inspiration and creativity of the Ukrainian people intent on protecting their homeland; may they remain free from harm. Those seeking safety elsewhere, may the receiving countries have safeguards in place to protect the refugees. Through Jesus Christ. Amen.

Kathryn, from Manchester

16 hours ago

Almighty God protect the people of Ukraine and send them wisdom, freedom and a good future.Shower your grace upon them and give them hope.Save them from this hostile war by Russia.May they find a clear path to victory and peace through the power of your infinite mercy.Amen


2 days ago

Dear Lord after many years of peace, it is hard to suddenly fight to defend country, freedom, and livelihood. Please give the people of the Ukraine courage and strength, wisdom, and creativity, confidence, and faith. Through Jesus Christ, in the power of the Holy Spirit. Amen.

Kathryn, from Manchester

2 days ago

Father I pray and each day pray that in your infinite mercy you would find a way of disrupting the Russian aggression against the Ukraine.Please stop the Russian war and end Russias disagreeable behaviour.Place victory and peace into Ukrainian lives.Keep them safe.Amen


3 days ago

Heavenly Father, please support the Ukraine against the Russian invasion. Russia appears to be accelerating the impact on the Ukraine resulting in both civilians and rescue teams being injured. Keep the Ukraine safe and protected. Through Jesus Christ, in the power of the Holy Spirit. Amen.

Kathryn, from Manchester

3 days ago

Almighty God, protect the Ukraine and its people, give them wisdom, freedom, and a good future. Shower your grace upon them and give them hope. You have saved them before, please save them again and remove the invaders from their land. Through Jesus Christ, in the power of the Holy Spirit. Amen.

Kathryn, from Manchester

3 days ago

Lord please receive into your loving care those who died in the recent hospital air strike.Help the survivors to get well again.Most of all please help something to happen to stop Putin and his nonsensical ideology continuing.The free loving world is tired of it.Bring peace.Amen


4 days ago

God bless President Zelensky, his family and the people of Ukraine.God please reward the bravery and courage he is putting into his role as leader. God bless him for seeking to obtain the help he needs so that the brave Ukrainian army can send Russia packing.Bring peace.Amen


5 days ago

Dear Lord, please receive into your loving care all those who died in the children’s hospital airstrike; help the injured to become well again and give Volodymyr Zelenskiy the courage and strength to continue leading the Ukraine in the fight against the invaders. Through Jesus Christ. Amen.

Kathryn, from Manchester

5 days ago

Father I keep praying and praying for peace and freedom in Ukraine.Thank you for all the benefits they have been given and please may they achieve the best defence of their country and their people to keep them safe whilst Russia displays it’s horrific war.Bring peace.Amen


6 days ago

Dear Lord, as NATO member states declare long term support for the Ukraine, please help the UK Government to rethink its strategy of withdrawing support, and help them to realise the importance of continued provision. Through Jesus Christ, in the power of the Holy Spirit. Amen.

Kathryn, from Manchester

6 days ago

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