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Prayer tree leaves: Ukraine

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Father protect Ukraine as they suffer this senseless invasion from Russia, this illegal war. May the whole world refute this war and demand it’s end. May we all not wait any longer for humanity to condemn this utter wrongdoing. Amen


2 years ago

Dear Lord, I can understand that hatred towards the Russians could build up in the hearts of the Ukrainian people. Please keep their hearts cleansed on any hatred and let them show compassion. In the name of Jesus Christ.

Kathryn, from Manchester

2 years ago

Father help Ukraine endure this illegal war waged by Russian regime. Ukraine show such bravery. Supply them with all they need to overturn the aggressor. May the Russian civilians and the world stand up for truth. Amen


2 years ago

Almighty, and Powerful God, do not let the support for the Ukraine waver. Give them the tools they need to bring peace and harmony into the Sovreign State of the Ukraine. Forever in Christ. Amen.


2 years ago

Father God, I ask for Your peace to reign in the hearts and minds of Ukrainians. Lord, bring an end to this horrific war. Provide for Your people in Ukraine and in other countries to which so many have fled.

Mary Lou, from Germany

2 years ago

Almighty and ever-loving God, please help the Ukrainian Forces to safely clear the mines keeping the civilians and themselves safer. Help them to free their country from the invaders and for peace to return. In Jesus Christ, I pray.

Kathryn, from Manchester

2 years ago

Father help Ukraine after yet more bombardment from Russias illegal war leaving them with damaged power in even more regions. It is hard for Ukraine to forgive this relentless nonsense. May the world focus on supporting them. Amen


2 years ago

Father God, I feel for the 'Ukraine' and the horrors they have encountered. Be with them Lord, as they may find it hard to forgive and will not be easy to forget. Let them not be like the invaders. Amen.

Kathryn, from Manchester

2 years ago

Father make Ukraine strong and brave whilst illegal war raged by Russian aggressors continues. Make the people of Ukraine resilient and determined to outwit the monstrous aggressors with their robust sense of belief in themselves and their beliefs. Amen


2 years ago

Dear Lord, intervention is required to prevent the Ukrainian army/people lowering themselves and doing tit for tat against the Russians by torturing Russian prisoners. I look to you for help Lord. Forever in Christ.


2 years ago

Father be with the gentle people of Ukraine and fill the Ukraine army with wisdom as they go on with this monstrous war waged by the most evil in humanity. Stop the evil being committed against innocents. Amen


2 years ago

Merciful God, my heart weeps for those defending and living in the Ukraine. They have suffered much brutality and pain from the invaders. Please help to free them from this horror and restore peace in their lives. In Jesus Christ.

Kathryn, from Manchester

2 years ago

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