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Prayer tree leaves: Ukraine

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Holy Father, the Ukraine needs Western help now, not in 3 weeks' time. Please help the West to fulfil their promises sooner rather than later. Please sustain those defending the Ukraine. In the name of Jesus Christ. Amen.

Kathryn, from Manchester

2 years ago

Father help Ukraine as they bravely face the shameful behaviour put upon them by Russian armies. May Ukraine be supplied with the equipment they need and the strength to defeat the warmongers. Protect all the people of Ukraine. Amen


2 years ago

Dear Lord and Father, through Your power and might please help the Ukraine to speedily defeat the invaders, so that peace may reign. May we all work together to heal this broken world. In the name of Jesus Christ. Amen.

Kathryn, from Manchester

2 years ago

Father may Russian war against Ukraine stop, right now. Teach us to be understanding of one another. East, West, North or South to be one family of humanity. Teach us respect, compassion, faith, hope and love each other. Amen


2 years ago

Gracious God and Loving Father, please help the Ukraine to maintain its defending performance. Help them to be more alert and responsive than before, and to watch their own and each other backs. In the name of Jesus Christ. Amen.

Kathryn, from Manchester

2 years ago

Dear Lord, Valeriy Martynyuk is in need of your help and protection since being kidnapped by the Russians. Help him to be returned home free from harm. Amen.


2 years ago

Father let’s get this illegal Russian war against Ukraine to stop right now before anymore harm and displacement is inflicted on Ukraine civilians. Give Ukraine peace, faith and love again. Support the brave Ukraine army.Amen


2 years ago

Holy Father, please help the Ukraine to persevere and remain strong whilst repelling their trespassers, using Your guidance and direction, for so many lives have been lost, so many lives ruined, because a quest for power. In Jesus Christ name.

Kathryn, from Manchester

2 years ago

Father I pray for peace in Ukraine. Derail the evil these illegal invaders display towards Ukraine. Remove the evil humanity in our midst. Supply the Ukraine with all the resources required to turn the evil off their land. Amen


2 years ago

God of Mercy and Might, please continue to support the Ukraine giving them all courage, endurance, resourcefulness and anything else that would help them repel the invaders. Help them to support one another during this stressful time. In Jesus' name.

Kathryn, from Manchester

2 years ago

Dear Lord, help to weaken Putin's power and that of his supporters, removing them from positions of authority and power. May the Ukraine successfully end the war that Putin started. Help restore all the lands belonging to the Ukraine. Thanks.


2 years ago

Father I pray to you to deliver Ukraine from their aggressor and stop this aggressor from terrifying the innocent people in their homes. This is human foulness at its worst. Make the people brave and the army strong. Amen


2 years ago

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