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Prayer tree leaves: Ukraine

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Dear Lord, I pray for the safety of the Ukraine and the people. Help them and their supporters to eliminate the invaders. With your mighty army protect those defending the Ukraine; God speed for Ukrainians fleeing the annexes. In Jesus.

Kathryn, from Manchester

2 years ago

Father God, if all the Russians fleeing their country help the Ukraine, then keep the Russians in flight, and keep the new protests going. Keep the West supporting the Ukraine, keep the Ukraine diligent in their endeavours. In Jesus’ name.


2 years ago

Dear Lord, please guide and direct the Ukraine's freeing their land from evil warmongers, especially the areas Russia is trying to annex. Be their fortress and refuge, give hope and confidence, and keep them strong. In Jesus Christ, I pray.

Kathryn, from Manchester

2 years ago

God please do all You can in Your omniscient power to stop the Russian war. The people of Russia are being lead in the wrong direction. Many are trying to flee. Help Ukraine to keep fighting back. Amen


2 years ago

Mighty God I pray for your mercy on ukrain, Lord we don't understand why such evil doers get away with so much bit we know that your are a powerful, sovereign, omnipotente God and you will deliver them!!

Claudia , from England

2 years ago

Father help and support Ukraine. The world sees these Russian actions as wrong. The world
wants Russia to stop. Power of Christ Jesus come amongst Ukraine. Hold His hand up against all wrongdoing by Russia Amen


2 years ago

Lord, I am PUSHing for the freedom of the whole of the Ukraine and removal of all the aggressors. They need a lot more help after the fake elections. Be with them and help them, hear their calls. In Jesus.


2 years ago

Dear Lord, please give wisdom and guidance to those defending the Ukraine. Please help them to repel all the invaders and reclaim all of the Ukraine's land. Keep them safe, strong and hopeful. In Jesus Christ I pray.

Kathryn, from Manchester

2 years ago

Father embrace Ukraine as they stand for justice and freedom of their own country to save it from being stolen by the Russian aggressors. Keep them brave and mindful of the truth and honesty they stand for. Amen


2 years ago

Gracious God, the Prince of Peace and the Holy Spirit be with the Ukraine and help free them from the aggressors. Please help those caught up in the sham elections especially those who support the Ukraine. In Jesus Christ. Amen.

Kathryn, from Manchester

2 years ago

Father guide Ukraine. Save them from the Russian invasion. Right now they need all our prayers and help to overcome their aggressor and take back their country. Keep them brave. No Russian voting, honesty and peace. Amen


2 years ago

Dear Lord, keep the Ukraine’s morale high whilst remaining astute. Help them to obtain the tools and food they need to repel all invaders. Keep them safe. In Jesus Christ. Amen.


2 years ago

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