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Prayer tree leaves: Ukraine

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Father help Ukraine fighting for freedom. Everybody is special to You. You teach us all to be kind to one another in faith,love and hope. Russia is special to You. Their kindness will help free Ukraine Amen


2 years ago

Dear Lord, help the International Atomic Energy Agency personnel, their support team and their defenders have safe access to the Zaporiyia nuclear power plant to assess its safety. May all be well and all leave without harm. Amen.


2 years ago

Father bountifully magnify and send Your loving care in abundance to the people of Ukraine who need Your support right now. Protect them, heal them, feed them, envelop them in love, give them courage towards peace and love. Amen


2 years ago

Glorious and Almighty God, through Jesus Christ please help the 'Ukraine' to maintain the strength, focus, wisdom and courage to clear their land of all the invaders. Please send them the support they need. In Your mercy hear my prayer.

Kathryn, from Manchester

2 years ago

Lord Jesus Christ, Son of God, have mercy on the Ukraine and free them from the suffering and persecution. Please uphold them in your love and let your light shine brightly on them overcoming the darkness of the invaders.

Kathryn, from Manchester

2 years ago

Protect Ukrainians as they attempt to stabilise the Russian attack to the nuclear plant in Ukraine.Help the Ukraine army and the families who live nearby.Pray Russians see the catastrophic danger to themselves and the world. Stop their attack Amen


2 years ago

Dear Lord, through Jesus Christ guide those defending the Ukraine to achieve their goal. Watch over them and keep them safe and strong.

Kathryn, from Manchester

2 years ago

Father help Ukraine in their agony at being attacked by an out of control Russian aggressor on a land grabbing programme. May Russian people correctly rise up against this wrong through love, peace, hope for Ukraine,their neighbour Amen


2 years ago

Dear Lord, I pray for European unity in supporting the Ukraine, and for people not to be persuaded by Putin's / Russian misinformation. For countries to stay loyal and oppose this aggressor. In Jesus' name please hear my plea.


2 years ago

Our Father, I pray, please support those in Russia who are helping in their way to defend the Ukraine, may the stay safe along with all those helping the Ukraine. Give hope, courage and steadfastness to those in the Ukraine.

Kathryn, from Manchester

2 years ago

Dear Lord, how weary they must feel defending their own land, how hungry, how thirsty, sleeping rough, homes gone, possessions gone. Feed them Lord and keep them hopeful that their suffering will end and all will be well. Amen.


2 years ago

Father please stop the war waged by Russia against the innocent Ukrainians. May they stand fast against the aggressor.Chase them off their land to be free and happy and continue their success in the free world. Amen


2 years ago

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