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Prayer tree leaves: Ukraine

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I pray that Ukraine may know the hand of our Lord upon them. May they know His healing balm upon their spirit, hopes, comforts and all their necessities. Make them brave on the face of the aggressor Amen


2 years ago

Lord God, I pray, wrap your protective arms around the Ukraine, particularly as we approach the anniversary of their independence. May the invaders be evicted from the country never to return. In the name of Jesus Christ.


2 years ago

Dear Lord, please help the Ukrainians and their supporters to remain strong and cohesive. To hold on to hope and faith, and may Your wisdom and love empower them, for You know them all by name. In Jesus Christ.

Kathryn, from Manchester

2 years ago

Ukraine, I say a prayer everyday asking our Lord Jesus to be with you in your greatest time of need in all ways relevant to your requirements regarding spirit wisdom comforts love peace and know the civilised world cares Amen


2 years ago

Dear Father, thank you for listening to my prayers. I pray for peace and healing. The loss has been profound, so many lives lost and families broken. Give them hope and a new future in their own free land.

Kathryn, from Manchester

2 years ago

Father stop the fighting in Ukraine. May Russians vacate Ukraine, go back to Russia and stop their illegal,provocative fighting of Ukraine. Fighting is unthinkable in Your world today. Surely humanity has learnt love, peace. Amen


2 years ago

All knowing and seeing God, with wisdom beyond our comprehension; please guide and direct the 'Ukraine' in the expulsion of the evil that has invaded the country. May they feel your love surround them. May they free their country.

Kathryn, from Manchester

2 years ago

Father cleanse humanity from the foul behaviour that is coming from some despotic countries of Your world. Make love replace hate. May Ukraine be freed from the implications of the foul behaviour. Bring peace. Amen


2 years ago

Our Care Home has been praying daily for peace in Ukraine since the beginning of the war. Lord Hear Our Prayers. Amen

Susan, from Tunbridge Wells

2 years ago

Merciful and loving God, I pray for the civilians that have died during the recent assault on residential areas in the Ukraine, I pray for their families and loved ones. Please send them the balm of Jesus Christ - Peace.

Kathryn, from Manchester

2 years ago

Father be with Ukraine through all this dreadful fighting. Bring peace and happiness to this beloved land All they want is to be left to get on as a true loving member of the world community Amen


2 years ago

Glorious God, please defend the Ukraine with Thy might power, and be their strong refuge. Help them to evict their aggressors, and enable them to rebuild their lives. Please help the killing to cease, and love conquer all.

Kathryn, from Manchester

2 years ago

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