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Prayer tree leaves: Ukraine

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Dear Lord, may the Ukrainian people, despite the war pressures find time for laughter and singing. May they also praise and thank you for the help you send. Please lead them to peace, happiness and a reunified and invader free Ukraine. Through Jesus Christ, in the power of the Holy Spirit. Amen.

Kathryn, from Manchester

3 months ago

Dear Lord thank you for keeping the Ukrainians in your heart.Please keep them safe and any peace negotiations to include the return of their stolen lands.Please also may the good Russian people who know what is right and what is wrong know that they must stop anymore evil.Amen


3 months ago

Dear Lord and provider of goodness.Thank you for being the only one who can stand by Ukraine in its greatest time of need. Thank you for bringing America to the aid of Ukraine by sending support to help Ukraine be rid of its aggressors.Please may this be swift.Bring peace.Amen


3 months ago

Dear Lord, please help the Ukraine to stand fast and secure, protecting the town and surrounding area of Chasiv Yar. Give all the loyal Ukraine’s the courage, strength, and wisdom they need to rid their country of the evil that has assaulted them. Through Jesus Christ. Amen.

Kathryn, from Manchester

3 months ago

Father God thank you, thank you, thank you for speaking to the hearts of the Americans about freedom, democracy and truth and honesty that results from this.May all the NATO countries continue to support Ukraine for as long as it takes to put an end to this illegal war.Amen


3 months ago

Dear Lord, thank you for keeping the Ukrainians in your heart, please keep them safe, and any negotiations for peace should include the return of their stolen land. Through Jesus Christ, in the power of the Holy Spirit. Amen.

Kathryn, from Manchester

3 months ago

Dear Lord, thank you for the successful cooperation between the Polish and Ukrainian authorities in keeping President Volodymyr Zelenskyy safe and free from harm. Please help them to continue their valuable and effective relationship. Through Jesus Christ, in the power of the Holy Spirit. Amen.

Kathryn, from Manchester

3 months ago

Father God please bless Ukraine.Recently support for Ukraine seems less as other world events have taken centre stage.Please keep the West focused on the important issue of Ukraine who deserve peace at all costs.Father God please help us to help Ukraine.Deliver Victory.Amen


3 months ago

Dear Lord, I pray that the US do not back down on the provision of funding for the Ukraine. Lord, please also help the true Ukrainians to repel all of Russians invasion tactics, and to reclaim annexed Ukraine land. Keep them safe and strong. In Jesus Christ, in the power of the Holy Spirit. Amen.

Kathryn, from Manchester

3 months ago

Father God King of all nations I ask you to rescue the people of Ukraine from the hands of their invaders.Save these vulnerable people from their oppressors that they may live without fear before you forever.Keep them strong and vigilant and bring them peace.Amen


3 months ago

Dear Lord, thank you for not abandoning the Ukraine, you walk beside the with their suffering and pain. Please help them to achieve their goals of freedom, reunification, and peace. Through Jesus Christ in the power of the Holy Spirit. Amen.

Kathryn, from Manchester

3 months ago

Father God thank you for the mercies given the Ukraine. Help there to be an end to this tragic war and for the Ukrainians to rebuild their homes and their lives.Keep the support from the allies strong and may the good Russian people rise up against wrong leadership.Amen


3 months ago

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