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Prayer tree leaves: Ukraine

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Father God thank you for the mercies given the Ukraine. Help there to be an end to this tragic war and for the Ukrainians to rebuild their homes and their lives.Keep the support from the allies strong and may the good Russian people rise up against wrong leadership.Amen


3 months ago

Dear Lord, thank you for continuing to support the Ukraine. Please help them to remain creative, using their specialist skills improving methods of defence for their country. Keep them safe, strong, and positive. Also Lord, please help by creating more disruption in Russia. In Jesus Christ. Amen.

Kathryn, from Manchester

3 months ago

Father God, thank you for the mercies given the Ukraine. Please help to end this tragic war and help the Ukrainians to rebuild their homes and lives; to live in peace and free from persecution from any nation. Meet their needs and bring the refugee’s home. Through Jesus Christ. Amen.

Kathryn, from Manchester

3 months ago

Almighty and great God accept my gratitude for your boundless mercy towards me.Hear the supplication of my afflicted heart for the land and people of Ukraine confronting the aggression from foreign invaders.keep western allies strongly supporting Ukraine.Please bring peace.Amen


3 months ago

Dear Lord, as increased Russian forces pressurise the Ukraine, enable the Ukraine to withstand the invaders. Please give defenders courage and strength, boost their morale with trust, hope and faith. Help them to visualise success in all they do, increase their knowledge and understanding. Amen.

Kathryn, from Manchester

3 months ago

Merciful God, thank you for the benefits recently bestowed on the Ukraine. Please may the support continue, matching their needs. Help also, all the Ukrainians trapped in Russian occupied territories, to be freed from this adversity. Through Jesus Christ, in the power of the Holy Spirit. Amen.

Kathryn, from Manchester

3 months ago

Merciful Father Ukraine are having a tough time of it.Help them find freedom from the Russian onslaught and to rebuild and regain their land and to become an independent nation again.Bring them peace and victory and support from NATO and all the allies.Victory to Ukraine.Amen


3 months ago

Dear Lord, my heart grieves for the Ukrainian people as the Russians progress forward. Please help us all to help them, and please remind the US that the Republicans pontificating is costing innocent lives. Please hear this prayer; through Jesus Christ in the power of the Holy Spirit. Amen.

Kathryn, from Manchester

3 months ago

Dear Father in heaven please help Ukraine to be astute in all manner of defending their land.Evict Russia from Ukraine teaching them the error of their ways.May Ukraine receive all the support possible from their allies to help them achieve and rebuild an independent nation.Amen


3 months ago

Merciful God, the Ukraine seem to be having a rough time, please help them to achieve their freedom from the Russian onslaught. Bring them freedom and peace, give them hope and encouragement. Through Jesus Christ in the power of the Holy Spirit. Amen.

Kathryn, from Manchester

3 months ago

Father God King of all nations I ask you to help the people of Ukraine.Please rescue the vulnerable from the hands of their aggressors that they may live in peace without fear before you all the days of their life.I ask all this in Jesus name.Amen


3 months ago

Dear Lord I pray for Lilia Chanysheva’s health and safety during her Russian imprisonment. Please help to free her from this ordeal, and help her to safety. Through Jesus Christ, in the power of the Holy Spirit. Amen.

Kathryn, from Manchester

3 months ago

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