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Prayer tree leaves: Ukraine

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Father make NATO and the EU strong in supporting Ukraine unlike those with false hearts. May Ukraine receive help to put down those who do not stand with them. Father we must always follow the light and never let the darkness in.Help us to be better.Bring peace to Ukraine.Amen


7 days ago

Dear Lord, I keep PUSHing and PUSHing for peace and freedom for the Ukraine. Thank you for the benefits given to them; please continue to help them achieve their goals required for talks of peace. Through Jesus Christ, in the power of the Holy Spirit. Amen.

Kathryn, from Manchester

7 days ago

Father keep the Ukrainians and their allies strong of heart and faith as the Russians continue bombardments, and enable them to evict their invaders.May the people of Ukraine remain brave as the effect on the people, towns and cities is horrendous.Bring peace.Amen


1 week ago

Dear Lord, may NATO and the EU be strong, in supporting the Ukraine, and protect the Ukrainian people from those with a false heart. Thank you for all the benefits you give to the Ukraine. Through Jesus Christ, in the power of the Holy Spirit. Amen.

Kathryn, from Manchester

1 week ago

Lord I pray for peace and love in this world today.How you must weep for the destruction and suffering in Ukraine and send words of courage, hope and comfort.May the light shine in the darkness.I pray for the Ukrainian pastors who preach words of protection.Bring peace.Amen


1 week ago

Dear Lord, please keep the Ukrainian’s and their allies strong of heart, and faith, during the Russian bombardments, and enable them to evict their invaders. Help them to remain united and supportive of each other. Through Jesus Christ, in the power of the Holy Spirit. Amen.

Kathryn, from Manchester

1 week ago

Dear God who makes all things well.Please make all things well for Ukraine that they may be free from this unnecessary aggression coming from Russia.May the NATO allies stay firmly in defence of Ukraine and may Russia see that it is futile to continue attacking.Amen


1 week ago

Dear Lord, thank you for your support to the Ukraine, please continue to help them as they defend the sovereignty of their country, and fight for freedom and justice. Through Jesus Christ, in the power of the Holy Spirit. Amen.

Kathryn, from Manchester

1 week ago

Father thank you for the partisans who help to protect the Ukraine.Please keep them safe and free from harm.Keep the allies and NATO strong with their support for Ukraine and fully behind all Ukraine actions.Please keep the promise of a bundle of help from USA.Bring peace.Amen


2 weeks ago

Dear Lord, my heart is heavy for the Ukraine, albeit the West promises help, they are so slow delivering it, in the meantime more Ukrainian lives are lost. Please help them Lord, so they can expel the invaders from their land. Through Jesus Christ, in the power of the Holy Spirit. Amen.

Kathryn, from Manchester

2 weeks ago

Dear Lord, thank you for the partisans who help to protect the Ukraine, whilst putting their own lives in danger. Please keep them safe and free from harm, and may they continue to support the Ukraine. Through Jesus Christ, in the power of the Holy Spirit. Amen.

Kathryn, from Manchester

2 weeks ago

Lord I pray that the Ukraine be kept safe from the illegal war set by Russia.I pray that the Ukraine and their NATO allies and the allies from the freedom loving democratic countries will keep up their support for Ukraine.I pray that Ukraine will gain peace and victory.Amen


2 weeks ago

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