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Prayer tree leaves: Ukraine

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Merciful God, please help Russian leaders to understand the difference between good and evil, right and wrong, and give them the courage to admit they had no right to invade the Ukraine, and to withdraw their troops immediately. Please give courage, power and wisdom to the Ukraine. Amen.

Kathryn, from Manchester

4 months ago

Almighty Father bring victory to Ukraine and stop the invaders.May the people of Ukraine know peace again and live in faith, hope and love.May they be wise and creative in overturning the evildoers.Amen


4 months ago

God Almighty, please keep true Ukrainians in your heart, keep them safe during their battle with evil representatives. Help them to be positive in their thoughts, words, and deeds, promoting the successfulness of the Ukraine. Your help is essential, Glory to God, peace to the Ukraine. Amen.

Kathryn, from Manchester

4 months ago

Father protect Ukraine through this diabolical illegal invented war by Russia. These good people of Ukraine are being massacred for literally no valid reason apart from what suits Russias leadership to create fictionally.Help Ukraine through these dark days.Bring peace.Amen


4 months ago

Merciful God, may the Ukraine promptly receive the necessary support it has needed for some time. Keep its allies faithful to the Ukraine’s needs, as they build up their own reserves. May they all work together in trust and unity. Through Jesus Christ, in the power of the Holy Spirit. Amen.

Kathryn, from Manchester

4 months ago

Father may the west keep supporting Ukraine.Bring an end to this abusive and illegal war that Russia has invented against Ukraine.Help the innocent people of Ukraine as they defend their country.Keep them safe and pour wisdom, faith and hope into all Ukrainians.Amen


4 months ago

Lord, some Republicans in Washington are blocking vital aid to the Ukraine. This needs your attention as humans seem to be failing. Forever in Christ.


4 months ago

Majestic and ever Powerful God, please lead the Ukraine to victory and free them from their invaders. Lead them with your wisdom, creativity, strength, and resilience and protect them with your armour. Through Jesus Christ, in the power of the Holy Spirit. Amen.

Kathryn, from Manchester

4 months ago

Father Almighty, please help the US members to stop feuding, and some EU members to stop squabbling, and get on with helping the Ukraine, and to do it now; not in June or later, but now as so much is at stake. Thanks be to God. Through Jesus Christ in the power of the Holy Spirit. Amen.

Kathryn, from Manchester

4 months ago

Father give us the spirit we need to cope with situations we cannot accept when they are unrecognisable to the faith you teach us.Fill Ukraine with hope, love and faith as those who attack them are empowered to continue with an illegal war.Please God bring peace to Ukraine.Amen


4 months ago

Father please support Ukraine from the Russian leaderships illegal invading of their country. Merciful Father keep the West committed to helping Ukraine in the form of aid both military and medical.God bless and protect the army and civilians walking towards your light.Amen


4 months ago

Heavily Father, let not the West be wearied with its support for the Ukraine, help them to remain positive and enthusiastic in their endeavours to help free the Ukraine and its citizens from Russia’s cruel hands. Keep the Ukrainians positive in heart and mind as they defend their land. Amen.

Kathryn, from Manchester

4 months ago

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