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Prayer tree leaves: Ukraine

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Father make America wake up realising what is happening in Ukraine could happen to them if they overlook their promise of support as a member of NATO.Bless Ukraine and may their allies stand by them.Love and hope in Jesus’ divine name bring peace and victory to Ukraine.Amen


5 months ago

Dear Lord, the Ukraine has fought so hard against the evil invading forces from Russia. Please help the West to be more responsive to the need of equipment to keep the Ukraine defending its territory. Give the defenders positivity, and hope that all will be well. Stay with them Lord. Amen.

Kathryn, from Manchester

5 months ago

Dear Lord, please protect the people of the Ukraine, and encourage them to remain positive. Help them to replenish their equipment store to meet demand with some in reserve. Help them also to remain a loyal and cohesive country. Through Jesus Christ, in the power of the Holy Spirit. Amen.


5 months ago

Father when will this madness end for Ukraine.This insane nonsense that freedom and peace loving countries are having to support in the hope of driving Russia out of Ukraine where Russia kill their neighbours for no reason.Please send your love to cast out this hatred.Amen


5 months ago

Dear Lord, as the Ukrainians grow a little weary from the war, please inject new positivity and alertness into their being, giving a renewed, revitalised feeling to enable them to continue. Please keep them safe, strong, and resourceful. Through Jesus Christ in the power of the Holy Spirit. Amen.

Kathryn, from Manchester

5 months ago

Father help Ukraine to protect their homeland.Make it happen that all the weaponry required to secure their hold on this unnecessary war are provided by all the NATO Allies.May America hold to their promised help for Ukraine.Bring peace and victory to Ukraine in Jesus name.Amen


5 months ago

Dear Lord, please guide and direct some countries in the EU that are procrastinating over the supply of needed goods to the Ukraine. Help them to understand the urgency, and to respond accordingly. Through Jesus Christ, in the power of the Holy Spirit. Amen.

Kathryn, from Manchester

5 months ago

Father help Russia find the freedom and happiness that Nevalny so desperately sought for them.Please please ensure that NATO send the support that Ukraine so desperately needs to help them shake the Russians off their land.In the name of Jesus Christ our Lord help Ukraine.Amen


5 months ago

Heavenly Father, the loyalty of Ukrainians to defend their land and the right for democracy and freedom is amazing, please help them to retain such commitment. May they also remain so loyal and committed to you praising the only true God. Through Jesus Christ and the power of the Holy Spirit. Amen.

Kathryn, from Manchester

5 months ago

Father guide Ukraine to secure their freedom and democracy against the evil of Russia.Please please please make your way into the hearts of the American congressmen who hold back from agreeing to help the Ukraine cause. May peace,hope and love bring victory to Ukraine.Amen


5 months ago

Dear Lord, please uphold the safety and freedom of the Ukraine, and may the wickedness they have endured from Russia shame and silence Russia, along with the disinformation and lies. Guide and help the Ukraine to overcome all difficulties to secure their freedom and democracy. Amen.

Kathryn, from Manchester

5 months ago

Father you do not believe in fighting but how can Ukraine deal with Russia without fighting.Please help Ukraine to know your love and that you will stand beside their bravery.Bring America to their senses to provide the NATO help they offered Ukraine Amen


5 months ago

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