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Prayer tree leaves: Ukraine

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Dear Lord, please help the Ukrainians to reclaim all their land and evict Russia, before Russia can inflict more damage on them. Thank you, Lord, for the US package planned for the Ukraine, may it be agreed and delivered promptly. Through Jesus Christ, in the power of the Holy Spirit. Amen.

Kathryn, from Manchester

2 weeks ago

Lord thankyou for all those helping Ukraine, in various formats, especially those who have lost their lives doing so.Please may this horrific war stop and Russias desire to take over Ukraine end.May they be content with their own land.Bring peace and victory to Ukraine.Amen


2 weeks ago

Father please help to protect Ukraine from the combined efforts of North Korea and Russia. Please bring this illegal war to an end. Protect Ukraine and all the brave and loyal people.May they be reunited with their families in more peaceful times.Bring victory to Ukraine.Amen


2 weeks ago

Dear Lord, thank you for all those who help the Ukraine, in various formats, especially those who lost their lives whilst doing so. May the help continue, as the Ukraine needs all the help it can get to remove the invaders and wickedness from their land. Through Jesus Christ. Amen.

Kathryn, from Manchester

2 weeks ago

Father thank you for keeping Vlodomyr Zelensky safe from the destabilising of his governmentPlease stop the illegal war by Russia.Help the loyal people of Ukraine and keep them safe and comforted as their homes and families are so cruelly torn apart.Bring peace to Ukraine.Amen


2 weeks ago

Dear Lord, please protect the Ukraine from the combined workings of North Korea, its soldiers and Russia. Please help to bring an end to this invasion, with the Ukraine retaining full sovereignty of all its land. Through Jesus Christ, in the power of the Holy Spirit. Amen.

Kathryn, from Manchester

2 weeks ago

Lord I worry about the lead changes in some of the Western countries and their possible lack of continued support for the Ukraine.Please make the new leaders see the sense in remaining strong in their support for this innocent country who do not deserve this war.Bring peace.Amen


2 weeks ago

Merciful Father, thank you for keeping Volodymyr Zelensky safe and foiling the plans to overthrow the Ukrainian government and the destabilising of the Ukraine. Please help the Ukrainians to stay united in their defence from aggressors and keep the West on the alert. Through Jesus Christ. Amen.

Kathryn, from Manchester

2 weeks ago

Dear Lord, I worry about potential lead changes in some of the Western countries and their lack of desire to support the Ukraine. Please help the leaders, current and new to support the Ukraine in its fight for freedom and sovereignty. In Jesus Christ, in the power of the Holy Spirit. Amen.

Kathryn, from Manchester

2 weeks ago

Dear Lord I pray that the Ukraine and the West can formulate a peace plan in readiness for the next Peace Summit to put an end to this war instigated by Russia. Please keep Ukraine focused and strong and to keep hope alive and peace and victory the main aim.Amen


2 weeks ago

Dear God who created the world and life and the time to enjoy it.Help us to use wisely Gods gifts of caring, understanding, hearing and seeing.To speak peacefully during our time on earth.Teach us how to stop those who would seek to destroy all the good.I pray for Ukraine.Amen


2 weeks ago

Dear Lord, please help the Ukraine to maintain its ability to repel the invaders. Keep the people strong, and focused on their freedom, freedom to rebuild new homes, churches, stores, and may they glorify your name forever. Through Jesus Christ, in the power of the Holy Spirit. Amen.

Kathryn, from Manchester

3 weeks ago

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