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Heavenly Father, as we once again celebrate your birth, and your constant companionship in our lives, help us all remember those who fight the evil in this world. Please keep the West fully supportive of the Ukraine, freeing of the oppressed, success for Bible Missionaries. Through Jesus Christ.

Kathryn, from Manchester

7 months ago

Father please help Ukraine to finish this illegal war which has been imagined by Russia and resulted in the loss of many innocent lives. Keep western support strong for Ukraine as they continue to defend their homeland. Amen


7 months ago

Heavenly Father, please continue to support the Ukraine’s fight for freedom, also help them to work as one large cohesive unit. Speedy and appropriate support from the West would be most appreciated. Merciful God, accept this prayer in the name of your Son and the power of the Holy Spirit. Amen.

Kathryn, from Manchester

7 months ago

Dear Lord, thank you for the Russian wives and mothers disrupting the calm of the Kremlin by demanding their menfolk home and out of the Ukraine. Also Lord, please help the lawyers of Alexei Navalny to find him, alive and OK. May the Ukrainians have peace in their land. Through Jesus Christ. Amen.

Kathryn, from Manchester

7 months ago

Father I pray for Ukraine.May all countries of the free world support them.Please may America engage and NATO stand by and stand up for Ukraine who desperately need all the support they can get from their allies.Please may we all see the importance of stopping Russia.Amen


7 months ago

Heavenly Father, thank you for your great mercies. Please continue to help the Ukraine defeat the invaders, provide EU funding, and Western full support. Please accept this prayer through Jesus Christ, in the power of the Holy Spirit. Amen.

Kathryn, from Manchester

7 months ago

Please Father protect and support Ukraine as they bravely fight for their people and their homeland and indeed all countries of the free world. Please keep the allies in the west helping them in every way possible within their means and keep NATO fully supporting them.Amen


7 months ago

Heavenly Father, please push the West to be more supportive of the Ukraine, before things get too desperate, that it becomes too little, too late. Keep safe, strong, and adaptable the Ukrainians supporting the rejection of the invaders. Through Jesus Christ. Amen.

Kathryn, from Manchester

7 months ago

I pray to you Lord Jesus each and every day to guard Ukraine and keep them safe.Keep them brave in spirit whilst dealing with their vengeful neighbours, Russia who, with no regard to the sanctity of human life, launched an illegal invasion against them.Grant Ukraine hope and victory.Amen


7 months ago

Father help Ukraine as they soldier on bravely in defence of their people and their homeland.Forced into a battle for no reason except Russias misconception of the West.Fighting is boring and uncreative.Peace and friendship is productive and rewarding.Amen


7 months ago

Merciful God, please help Vicktor Orban to have a big change of heart, and be more supportive to the Ukraine and much less supportive to Russia. Help the EU to get the funding through which the Ukraine desperately needs. Through Jesus Christ. Amen.

Kathryn, from Manchester

7 months ago

Dear Lord, please help the Ukraine with the funding they need to achieve freedom from the invaders. Keep the people strong and supportive, with a good heart. Be their strength and shield. Lord, in your mercy, please hear my prayer. Amen.

Kathryn, from Manchester

7 months ago

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