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Prayer tree leaves: Ukraine

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Father be with Ukraine and keep them strong and motivated as they fight on for their freedom. Stop Russian advances and make them obsolete. May the works of truth and justice work for Ukraine.Amen


8 months ago

Heavenly Father, thank you for listening to our prayers. Please keep helping the Ukraine to regain its freedom and the West to understand the need to support the Ukraine. Any help from Russia, whether direct or indirect is appreciated. Amen.

Kathryn, from Manchester

8 months ago

Dear God in heaven have mercy upon those who are fighting an illegal war for Russia.One day may they stand as proud Russians against a rogue regime.Help Ukraine as they stand firmly for the truth and what they believe in.Amen


8 months ago

Heavenly Father, please help to keep the support for the Ukraine in the hearts and minds of the Western world. Help us, to help you, help the Ukraine. May Your love protect, and Your wisdom guide them. Through Jesus Christ.

Kathryn, from Manchester

8 months ago

Father keep guard over Ukraine and help them be vigilant defending themselves against the illegal Russian war.Father why are we tolerating this ridiculous behaviour from Russia. The Russian people are unconvinced the war is in their interests.Bring Ukraine victory and.peace.Amen


8 months ago

Father I rely on the power of the our Lord to bring Ukraine through this illegal war provoked by Russia.May good rise over evil and the good people of Ukraine know that they have full support from the West.Amen


8 months ago

Merciful God, the Ukrainians are working so hard to push the invaders from their land, please keep helping them, and keep the West focused on, and helping with their needs. Though Your Son, in the power of the Holy Spirit.

Kathryn, from Manchester

8 months ago

Heavenly Father, please keep Zelensky wise and strong in his leadership of the Ukraine. Help him to override any societal division attempts by the Kremlin. Keep the Ukraine united and a priority for the West. Keep him safe. Amen.

Kathryn, from Manchester

8 months ago

Father stand by Ukraine as they fight hard to push Russia back off Ukraine land.Help Ukraine make strategic moves to outwit their illegal invaders.Help the Ukraine civilians to find shelter, nourishment and medical aid throughout the winter months.Amen


8 months ago

Father I pray that David Cameron’s visit to Vladimir Zelensky in Ukraine has created a special bond between them and that Ukraine will take courage from having the supportive words expressed by this elder statesman from the UK.Bring Ukraine victory.Amen


8 months ago

Lord, the Ukrainian people in Russian occupied areas, need help to survive due to Russian intimidation and cruelty; I put the solution into your hands. Forever in Christ. Amen.


8 months ago

God Almighty, please be the Ukrainian forces strong refuge, rock and fortress giving safety to all those defending the country, particularly those exposed on the eastern bank of the Dnipro river and the village of Krynky. Through Jesus Christ. Amen.

Kathryn, from Manchester

8 months ago

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