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Prayer tree leaves: Ukraine

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Dear Lord, may the Ukraine know peace again, without loss of land. May their bravery and loyalty bring success in eliminating their invaders, and may they praise God for walking with them through thick and thin. Through Jesus Christ. Amen.

Kathryn, from Manchester

9 months ago

Dear God thankyou for the wonderful people of Ukraine who are a fine example of courage. They stand with the truth and are true disciples of our Lord in this age.God bless them and deliver them from evil.Amen


9 months ago

Father please help Ukraine as they fight to become a country of the free world.May Russia stop fighting and become disarmed.Help Ukraine make sound and strategic plans to win the war.Keep them walking in the light of truth to victory.Amen


9 months ago

Dear Lord, please help to heal the rift between Poland and the Ukraine. Poland has been a staunch support to the Ukraine; may their differences be resolved through honest discussion resulting in understanding and solution finding. Amen.

Kathryn, from Manchester

9 months ago

Dear Lord, please help the West to remain focused on the needs of the Ukraine, and to do their upmost in proving the support needed. Through Jesus Christ, in the power of the Holy Spirit. Amen.

Kathryn, from Manchester

9 months ago

Dear Lord may it be the wish of our Lord Jesus Christ to restore life, love and normality back into the lives of the Ukraine people forced to defend themselves against illegal war inflicted by Russia.Keep faith.Bring peace and victory.Amen


9 months ago

Dear Lord, whilst the Ukraine fights for freedom and peace, we also remember the stolen children, the refugees, the civilians that have stayed in their homes, those defending the country. Please keep on supporting them and keep them all safe.

Kathryn, from Manchester

9 months ago

Father of wondrous bounty bring peace to Ukraine.Protect the Ukraine and help the civilians to cope through another winter of hardship.May the Russian people sympathise with their neighbours and rise up against the evildoing demonstrated by their leaders. Amen


9 months ago

God Eternal, please continue helping the Ukraine, grant them all the attributes and equipment they need to regain their land, re-build and rehome. Keep the West totally supportive to their needs ensuring practical, and financial support. Through Jesus Christ. Amen.

Kathryn, from Manchester

9 months ago

Father I pray to save Ukraine from unnecessary war.This illegal war by Russia has destabilised normal life for Ukrainian people.They do not deserve this.Neither do the Russian people deserve to be told the anti-truth.May they know the real truth.Amen


9 months ago

Holy Father, you know the needs of the Ukraine to rid the invaders from their land, please support these needs, and help to provide them. Help the people to remain creative, adaptable, positive, and strong. Through Jesus Christ I pray.

Kathryn, from Manchester

9 months ago

Almighty God, all things are possible with you. We pray that soon the conflict in Ukraine will be a distant memory, and that people may rebuild their lives, in your strength, through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.

Anonymous, from West Sussex

9 months ago

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