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Prayer tree leaves: Ukraine

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Merciful Father, the West is so dilatory in suppling support to the Ukraine, could you please give them a reminder of what they need to do, and do quickly. Thank you, Father, in the name of Jesus Christ. Amen.

Kathryn, from Manchester

10 months ago

Loving God and great protector please walk with Ukraine to victory. Strengthen their position and maximise their success. Bring them peace at last.Amen


10 months ago

Heavenly Father, thank you for your great mercies. Please continue the support for the Ukraine, empowering the defenders with all the skills they need to reclaim all their sovereign state. In Jesus Christ, in the Power of the Holy Spirit.

Kathryn, from Manchester

10 months ago

Father help Ukraine maximise their offensive against Russia in this illegal war. Make them shrewd and careful in all their moves. Help them regain their homeland.let us all stand with Ukraine for peace and freedom.Amen


10 months ago

Holy Father, please keep the hearts and minds of the Ukrainian people optimistically resilient, keep their courage strong and determined as they drive out the invaders from their land. Guide their thinking and doing, to a successful end. Amen.

Kathryn, from Manchester

10 months ago

Dear Lord, please keep the strength and determination of the Ukraine robust in their endeavour to remove the invaders from all their land. Keep the West supportive and adaptable to the needs of the Ukraine. God be with them. Amen.

Kathryn, from Manchester

10 months ago

Father God please help Ukraine make advances of success on regaining their homeland that Russia is attempting to steal .This is an illegal war and Ukraine stand for the truth. Bring peace to the good people.out with evil I pray.Amen


10 months ago

Heavenly Father, please help the West to remain supportive and loyal to the Ukraine as they fight for the survival and freedom of many of the world’s countries. Provision of the air support they need, would be very helpful. Amen.

Kathryn, from Manchester

10 months ago

Dear God I see all the countries of the world are sending prayers for the end of this attack on Ukraine.Help the civilians and the army in Ukraine to find a way through to peace and to find peace again.Amen


10 months ago

Dear Lord, thank you for your great mercies. Please continue to help the ‘Ukraine’ overcome this terrible time; guide, direct and support them to their freedom. May the West remain supportive to their needs. Through Jesus Christ, Amen.

Kathryn, from Manchester

10 months ago

Heavenly Father, have mercy on the Ukraine and protect them from the warmongers, and the malicious thoughts, words, and deeds they make against the Ukrainian people and their homeland. Protect all those defending the Ukraine; in you we trust. Amen.

Kathryn, from Manchester

10 months ago

Dear Lord,
If Michal Simecka is the correct candidate to win the Slovakia election, may he win. Who ever wins need to ensure continued support for the Ukraine, with Robert Fica, we appear to have problems. In Jesus' name. Amen.

Kathryn, from Manchester

10 months ago

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